Ripple had its annual internal Innovative Hackathon at the beginning of this year. This yearly event provides the opportunity to delve deeply into out-of-the-box concepts, as well as a wide range of new ideas that have been proven effective. RippleNet upgrades, XRP Ledger (XRPL) Library suggestions, crypto primitives, and user preferences were some of the larger groups involved here.
Within the context of the NFT, there are numerous problems and unresolved concerns that must be adequately addressed and for which solutions must be developed. That is, in point of fact, the necessity of the hour. But it all looks like a huge challenge, considering the need to investigate the legitimacy and authenticity of the NFTs in question and the regulatory hurdles that must be overcome.
The disturbing facts surrounding all of this are in the understanding and awareness that, in the marketplace, there are plenty of cases of copyrights being violated, coupled with outright cases of bold theft of art pieces. Therefore, with every issue being dwelled upon, the general opinion is that the proper evaluation of NFTs is absolutely necessary. This, in turn, will be instrumental in avoiding unnecessary information that is being rampantly circulated.