Will IOTA Price Continue To Be Controlled By the Bears

  • IOTA price has not got respite from the bears, which have control over the crypto market

IOTA (MIOTA) bulls are trying hard to get the price in the upward range, but the bear pressure is too much in the crypto market. The price of IOTA is on a downslide as seen from the 5-day price chart, where the prices are oscillating in the range of $0.31-$0.25.

IOTA Price Comparison:

The past 5 days have not been good for IOTA as bear pressure continued to push its price below the baseline. On September 21, the price was at $0.3036 at 09:30 UTC; it was fell by 17.62%. This fall took the price below baseline at $0.2520 by 19:40 UTC on September 24. After then, IOTA price slightly recovered to $0.2702, recovery being to the extent of 7.23%. Today, the price fell by 4.26% and it’s hovering around $0.25.

IOTA price had been on a good run during the first half of the year even peaking on May 30, but the bear run started in July; It has reversed all its good run. Investors have to bear the brunt of the volatility in the crypto market and are not happy about it. According to the current momentum and IOTA prediction, Analysts feel that the short-term bearish trend will continue until the crypto market shows stability.

Investors should continue to hold on to their investments as there is not more scope for returns in the current volatile market scenario. Short-term and day traders should invest at their own risk.

Matthew Diaz: Matthew Diaz is a full stack developer working in NameCoinNews on blockchain and cryptocurrency related websites. He has a comprehensive knowledge of exploring different technical tools to analyse market trends of cryptocurrencies. He has over a decade experience of technical analysis and assisting companies to achieve desired solutions. He is avid cyclist and music enthusiasts.