West Virginia uses Blockchain technology for Voting in 2020

West Virginia that created an antiquity as the initially US state that applied cell blockchain technology chosen by-election in a middle of the voting system has been using a new strategy on applying the similar expertise in the year 2020 for high-level elections. Though the public’s initially experimental was individually limited to armed electorates based out of the country, the votes for 2020 can understand the statewide application.

West Virginia state in 2018 had allowed military voters or UOCAVA electorates, to make and apply vote for their election through Apple and Android smartphones, as per the news that was published in 2018 though only the citizens of choice West Virginia regions were allowed to cast a vote in such method, the overpoweringly optimistic reply appropriated administrators by astonishment.

West Virginia Administrator of State Mac Warner, a Republican stated that “Whether a Soldier is without mail service in the mountains of Afghanistan, or a Sailor is in a submarine under the polar icecap, they deserve the opportunity to participate easily in our democracy.”

In 2016 just 7% of out of the country electorates came out in the top-level election as per the results from the Federal Voting Assistance Program, Elections director, West Virginia Administrator as well as the deputy legal counsel Donald Kersey mentioned that there were less from 1,000 foreign votes cast and 144 individuals used application to vote, however, there were 200 extra electorates at the time of the midterms downloaded the application from mobile to cast the vote. Blockchain being an effort to save such cell ballots protected. Absconder electorates cast their votes from the mobile and later then these votes are logged on the blockchain technology as compared to the old styles voting system. The consequences of the ballot are yet below the review, however, if everything goes good, in the votes, West Virginia state would get the system of voting through blockchain to the UOCAVA electorates 55 counties and states.

Security is the main anxiety and biggest issue for any elective movement, particularly if it is on the website. Kevin Beaumont shared his thoughts on Twitter stating that:

Blockchain Voting would not swap the consecrated vote as in spite of numerous words of admiration from few of the nation’s most trustworthy news websites, West Virginia’s blockchain elective effort has gotten a lot of reaction, too. The usual query was how will one individual be assured that the smartphone devices for elective can be protected. If it noticed a bargained binder or bug, the application will stop the vote from opening. To address apprehensions in regards to ballot clandestineness, it could even cancel every individual ID informations from its members, allocates all the individual a exclusive nonetheless nameless identifier inside the scheme, and employment a combination of system encryption approaches. The additional type of anonymization in smartphone as well as on the net creates it actually rigid to inverse the cause. Overall However voting system administrators in the state of West Virginia are excited about the new app. though, applying this new system globally might take sometime.

Aarav Ghosh: Aarav Ghosh is a sub editor and contributor to NameCoinNews who specializes in covering latest stories and headlines of cryptocurrencies and blockchain. Additionally, he also covers latest news related to FinTech industry. He is a firm believer of next big transformation of world economy in terms of digitalization.