Waves Integrates Ankr’s One-Click Blockchain Node Platform

The blockchain platform Waves has announced a partnership agreement with the one-click blockchain node platform Ankr. With this partnership, Waves users will be able to deploy their node and lease out their WAVES tokens securely. However, Waves users need to pay a nominal fee in Ankr’s tokens for deploying a node with Ankr’s solution. Both Waves and Ankr informed about this partnership via their Twitter handles:

Benefits of the Collaboration

The collaboration is mutually beneficial to both companies. Waves believes that its integration with Ankr’s one-click node-deployment solution will help it to further its commitment to enable both users and WAVES token holders to store their coins and collect revenue as well.

Additionally, users can deploy WAVES token to their own node in a simple, secure, and affordable manner while leasing out their funds to that node. The Waves protocol’s Leased Proof of Stake (LPoS) consensus algorithm ensures the accuracy and speed of leasing payments from outside nodes.

The simplification and affordability of Ankr’s blockchain node platform will attract new users to its platform as well as entice developers to launch a Waves node on Ankr.

How Does Waves Work?

Waves is an open blockchain protocol for borderless decentralized Web 3.0 applications in the emerging tokenized processes. With over 300 nodes and the recent partnership with Ankr, Waves is hoping ease in the process of deploying users’ node while an increase in the number of miners in the Waves network.

Waves keeps working toward encouraging users to create new nodes and lease out their WAVES to them for several purposes, such as creating a more stable and secure blockchain ecosystem.

Moreover, Waves has various strategies in place to attract investors, including simplification of the process of token leasing and an increased proportion of leased out tokens. These strategies will lead to a lower supply but higher demand for WAVES tokens on crypto exchanges.

How Does Ankr Work?

Ankr has a well-developed infrastructure that makes deployment of any blockchain node easier, accessible, and affordable. Its first-ever one-click blockchain node platform is built on a distributed cloud that allows users to instantly deploy applications or their codebase on its distributed platform globally.

Ronald Cribbs: Ronald Cribbs is a reporter who has studied in Journalism and previously worked as a freelance reporter in well-known publications and financial news websites. He is regularly going for the interview with leading industry players of crypto space. He has been following cryptocurrencies since 2012.