VideoCoin Network Launches GoogleAds To Promote Mass Adoption

VideoCoin Network, the leading API-first, decentralized video processing platform, has announced to use the industry-standard Google Ads portal to realize its ultimate goal of mass adoption in the sector. The team has engaged in several potential advertising campaigns to acquire a wider business system that interacts and operates on the VideoCoin Network.

The news about the highly-anticipated launch was circulated in the media through an official Twitter post by the VideoCoin team, and it read:

In the era of technology, people are looking for products and services that offer them the perks of digitalization at minimum expenditure. The real-world industrial realms require real-world customers who are capable of utilizing, optimizing, and reimburse for the services taken. VideoCoin is one such revolutionary solution that was curated to change the existing centralized streaming and encoding systems. It is fully-decentralized and offers a user-friendly, more affordable, and a simplified module for video streaming and developers.

The team was in constant search for advertising portals that could help in increasing the traffic on its network drastically. Their search ended on Google Ads, which is not used by nearly 98% of the major players of the arena. This triggered the firm to adopt Google Ads as its partner as this could place them a notch higher in the prevailing competitive scenarios and could achieve the mass adoption objective too. The campaign aims to attract the developers that have started deploying their products and have an affinity towards enhancing the streaming and encoding functionalities through VideoCoin Network.

The adoption of Google Ads will aid VideoCoin in expanding its operations on a global route, build its brand in the market, and drive more and more customers willing to enjoy unprecedented expertise of video tools and streaming facilities.

Matthew Diaz: Matthew Diaz is a full stack developer working in NameCoinNews on blockchain and cryptocurrency related websites. He has a comprehensive knowledge of exploring different technical tools to analyse market trends of cryptocurrencies. He has over a decade experience of technical analysis and assisting companies to achieve desired solutions. He is avid cyclist and music enthusiasts.