University of Geneva launching blockchain development course featuring NEO module

The University of Geneva in Switzerland is launching a Certificate of Advanced Studies (CAS) on blockchain development. It’s the primary blockchain course to supply a full module on modern and permit students to say twelve European ECTS credits. Students have the choice to check on field or online via video conference.

The course permits students a chance to “learn the way to develop localized applications with blockchain and DLT” and options four modules.

The first module can introduce students to blockchain and DLT theory, while modules 2 through four can specialize in development with modern, Ethereum, and Hashgraph genus Hedera. At the top of the course, every student needed to complete a paradigm localized application.

The course is being launched by palladium Dr Jean-Marc master, United Nations agency joined the University of Geneva in 2005 once doing his PhD thesis on Sybil attack-resistant process trust.
Dr Seigneur noted the value of educating a new generation of blockchain programmers and outlined increasing interest in the technology in the Swiss region.

“It is important to educate people to blockchain technologies, especially if the territory wants to fully benefit from it and there is a lack of blockchain-aware developers. Geneva State has recently launched the Geneva Blockchain Annual Congress, just before the World Economic Forum, aiming to become the Trust Valley, which will further strengthen Switzerland as a Distributed Ledger Technologies (DLT) nation.”

Speaking on the inclusion of NEO in the course, Dr Seigneur noted several features of the platform that made it an attractive option for his students.

“It is easier to learn blockchain with NEO because it is based on well-known integrated development environments (IDEs) such as Visual Studio and existing programming languages (C#, Python…). Therefore, it is easier for developers who know standard developments environments to learn it. NEO has also different features than other DLT and it was interesting to include it to give a good overview of the available platforms for building decentralized applications.”

As an additional inducement, if a student’s end of education example is constructed with either Hashgraph Hedera an NEO it is known as good they might be satisfied with GAS or HVAR tokens to help in launching the project on MainNet.

“It is difficult for companies to find a blockchain developer to bootstrap a potential use case. When a company sponsors a student, the student has to do the end of study project code on the company use case, therefore, helping to prototype it faster and without a high cost. After company and student may decide to continue collaborating together.”

Businesses can also get an option to guarantor a student to be part of the program. The end of study work decides to about 90 hours of effort, of which can be used to form a commercial instance if decided upon by the student, sponsoring company and the course manager. Dr Seigneur recommends this will let businesses to skill up staffs on blockchain technology, at the same time as concurrently emerging proof of ideas.

Matthew Diaz: Matthew Diaz is a full stack developer working in NameCoinNews on blockchain and cryptocurrency related websites. He has a comprehensive knowledge of exploring different technical tools to analyse market trends of cryptocurrencies. He has over a decade experience of technical analysis and assisting companies to achieve desired solutions. He is avid cyclist and music enthusiasts.