Trace Labs Starts Pilot Project in Slovenia To Support Organic Farming

Trace Labs, a popular open-source intelligence platform relying on transparent crowdsourcing for various initiatives, has partnered with the Chamber of Agriculture and Forestry of Slovenia to improve transparency in food supply chains. The collaborating parties plan to design a decentralized farm-to-fork system that would increase organic food production in the project’s regions.

The first pilot project will begin in Slovenia and aims to encourage mass adoption in other areas too. The traceability solution designed as part of the EIP-EKOPAKT partnership will ensure compliance with food safety standards and develop customer trust in local organic food products. The solution will have digital tools that will inform and educate customers about the advantages of local organic foods.

The stakeholders can expand their production functionalities, and laying the foundation of a new set of business models relying on the trusted data, the decentralized, open-source OriginTrail protocol, and blockchain network will provide data reliability and immutability within the system. This will increase the percentage of local organic food in Slovenia’s food supply chain system and help farmers to increase production.

EIP-EKOPAKT has received funds from the Slovenian Programme for Rural Development 2014–2020. It is one of the many agro-food ventures that Trace Labs is supporting with OriginTrail technology. Other projects include:

  1. SmartAgriHubs- Spread across Europe, SmartAgriHubs aims to transform the agriculture in the continent by offering an innovative agriculture-based system Supported by over 160 partner firm, this project aspires to achieve sustainability, excellence, and profitability for the parties involved in agricultural chain.
  2. Demeter- Combing mechanisms from areas like IoT, data science, and smart farming. Demeter ensures long-term sustainability and widescale adoption and brings 60 partners from 18 EU countries.
  3. The Food Safety Market- Foood Safety Market’s team is developing an industrial-grade data platform to improve Europe’s food certification system and has 11 partners from 8 EU countries. Based on blockchain and big data, the solution offers an open and integrated virtual network that facilitates data transfer between multiple food safety players willing to share critical information required for food safety certifications.

The Chamber of Agriculture and Forestry of Slovenia diverse partners from agriculture, technology, and academia are working together to make the pilot project a success; the project is likely to boost organic food production, supply, and generate revenue for locals involved in the project.

Ronald Cribbs: Ronald Cribbs is a reporter who has studied in Journalism and previously worked as a freelance reporter in well-known publications and financial news websites. He is regularly going for the interview with leading industry players of crypto space. He has been following cryptocurrencies since 2012.