Tezos Price Trend Appears Flat; Partners with Central Bank of France

The Central Bank of France tied-up with Tezos and will deploy a protocol developed by Tezos. Tezos tokens can now be traded on tokens.net. XTZ can be traded against BTC, USDT, and EURS. Additionally, Tezos team published the code of tezblock with an MIT license. One can now run one’s own version of the Tezos block explorer locally.

Tezos Price Analysis & Predictions

Let’s have a look at the variation in the price of Tezos over a period of 25-days. On August 17, the coin was trading around 1.2157 USD. However, today the coin is trading at 1.012 USD, showing a 16.5% of bearish pull. In the weekly trading duration, Tezos has moved up by a fraction of 0.58% from the market price of 1.0059 USD on September 07. Similarly, in yesterday’s trading, the crypto opened at 1.01 USD and with a strengthening 0.28%, wrapped the day up around 1.01 USD.

If observed closely, XTZ has almost been stable and kept hovering around $1 mark. For now, the immediate resistance is at 1.022 USD. Additionally, the support level for Tezos is at 0.9958 USD.

Tezos Price Chart

The partnership of Tezos with the Central Bank of France will benefit the crypto in the long run. As per Tezos prediction, the trading volume in the coin is expected to go up further. The reason for this is the listing of crypto on Voyager app and on token.net. Meanwhile, it is advisable to hold the coin for an ample amount of return in the future.

Matthew Diaz: Matthew Diaz is a full stack developer working in NameCoinNews on blockchain and cryptocurrency related websites. He has a comprehensive knowledge of exploring different technical tools to analyse market trends of cryptocurrencies. He has over a decade experience of technical analysis and assisting companies to achieve desired solutions. He is avid cyclist and music enthusiasts.