TEN.Finance Moves Vaults to Biswap After PancakeSwap Migration

TEN.Finance requested the user to move their vaults from PancakeSwap to Biswap. Two weeks after PancakeSwap announced its migration of farms to the new MasterChef, the decision came. The optimizer stated that the consolidation is planned to boost the Annual Percentage Yield for the community.

On April 15, PancakeSwap notified its users through Twitter and Medium to move their farms to MasterChef. The migration was mandatory to keep earning rewards from staking. The decision to migrate came right after CAKE’s price doubled in the market.

TEN.Finance has announced its plans to push the Annual Percentage Yield by moving the vaults from PancakeSwap. Other dimensions of this decision include strengthening the relationship with Biswap and bringing higher offerings to users through reduced vaults. TEN.Finance came to this decision after analyzing the ups and downs of the platform.

The Medium post from TEN.Finance requested all the users to move their Liquidity Pools to Biswap. This DEX platform will carry higher TENFI emissions to boost the APY. The auto-compounded BNB/TENFI and the TENFI/BUSD LP will also be receiving higher emissions on this new DEX. The latter of these two pairs will be converted into a Biswap farm shortly.

With this Integration, the yield optimizer plans to introduce new stablecoin Liquidity Pools and the LUNA/BNB pair. There is also a plan to replace YIELDEX with the currently used PancakeSwap Stable LP versions. Ultimately, all these plannings lead to the launch of LEND, which offers airdrops for holders of 10,000 or more TENFI tokens.

The TEN.Finance also requested that users not meddle with the TEN lots during the migration. Users need to fill the mandatory fields from the website and send a screenshot of the total TEN lot rewards to upload in the given link. The TEN.Finance team will complete the migration to new TEN lots for them.

We are yet to know what the yield optimizer has planned for the CAKE single staking pool, and news about keeping or removing it will be announced soon. However, it has been made clear that all TENFI emissions on PancakeSwap vaults will stop effective immediately, and these vaults will be moved to Biswap with the same Liquidity Pools.

Ronald Cribbs: Ronald Cribbs is a reporter who has studied in Journalism and previously worked as a freelance reporter in well-known publications and financial news websites. He is regularly going for the interview with leading industry players of crypto space. He has been following cryptocurrencies since 2012.