SubQuery Reveals Cosmos Data Indexing Through Juno

SubQuery has announced the support for Cosmos Data Indexing to enable developers access to its beta version. The update follows the successful implementation of Avalanche, and the latest work will first feature in Juno to eventually make its way into the CosmWasm-based chain.

In its beta phase, Cosmos Data Indexing will carry the same level of flexibility, speed, and openness as the indexing solution currently being used across the ecosystems of Polkadot and Avalanche.

The beta version includes tools, open-source SDK, developer support, documentation, and other benefits offered by the Grant’s Programme of SubQuery.

Juno, a decentralized and permissionless layer-1, is accommodated by SubQuery’s managed service that specializes in hosting services at the enterprise level and handling more than 400 million requests daily.

Jake Hartnell, a core contributor to Juno, said that the team was elated to learn about the expansion of Juno in terms of its invaluable data indexing services. Jake Hartnell added that the ultimate mission was to provide new teams with the environment to scale their operations without facing any barriers on the way.

Developers who deploy SubQuery can save time because the team stands true to every word mentioned in the mission statement.

The task is easier as SubQuery allows developers to store data on-chain organized for their protocols and applications. Developers get more time to focus on developing the project as SubQuery eliminates the need to process unique data on every query.

Cosmos ecosystem adding this as a feather on the hat aligns the ecosystem with a focus on the network that has been designed with a multi-chain outlook. After Juno, the implementation would follow on the CosmWasm-based chain, including:-

  • OKExChain
  • Cronos
  • Secret Network
  • Osmosis
  • Injective
  • Stargaze

Sam Zou, the Chief Executive Officer & Founder of SubQuery, called SubQuery a fundamental piece of Web3 infrastructure while expressing his delight over the explosive growth in Cosmos and its native layers.

Developers will not have to wait to get their hands on the benefits that the SubQuery Network brings to the table. Right from the launch date, they will be able to leverage the scale of the network, which happens to be on the same line as Juno applications being able to decentralize their infrastructure.

SubQuery boosts the development of applications being developed in the upcoming Web3 ecosystem. It is a blockchain development toolkit for developers who can review it to construct an application for the future of the internet, Web3.

It is currently servicing Substrate, Polkadot, Terra, Avalanche, and Cosmos, helping people to focus on their core without wasting time building a customized backend for data processing.

As time passes, SubQuery will look to replicate the model in a decentralized manner while maintaining the reliability and scalability of the solution.

The task is challenging even though it has established itself as a data indexing solution on Polkadot to serve millions of daily queries.

Richard Lee: Richard Lee is a regular contributor, who curates in-depth news stories and analysis about the cryptocurrency and blockchain space. He primarily covers latest happenings of US cryptocurrency market. He contributes to a number of well-known industry magazines and news sites before getting into NameCoinNews. He has strong skills in technical analysis of cryptocurrencies.