Streamflow is now positioned on the Aptos mainnet

Streamflow, which happens to be Solana’s absolute top-of-the-line token disbursement platform, has now successfully been positioned on the Aptos mainnet. With this important occurrence, all of the indigenous users and teams of Aptos will find themselves in the position of streaming value in real-time, with the effective utilization of Streamflow. Besides this very prime function, Streamflow also provides all of its connected users the opportunity to program continuous payments that are being made with the help of payment streams.

Where these payment streams are concerned, they are suitable in all matters related to token vesting and coupled with employee payroll. This is because they make it possible for receivers to obtain value in real-time. There also happens to be another great benefit of Streamflow. It provides the user with a software development kit (SDK), which helpfully opens the doors for projects to make programmatic transfers of value where DeFi, online gaming, NFT-based projects, and other such activities are concerned.

Incidentally, sometime in the month of November 2021, Streamflow was duly launched on the Solana mainnet. Ever since then, and to its entire credit, it has successfully been able to put together a total value locked (TVL) of an enormous amount of more than $1 billion in the form of token vesting contracts. As a matter of fact, just as in the case of Solana, Aptos blockchain also offers a conducive environment where the processing of smoothly run payments is concerned. According to the co-founder of Aptos, Avery Ching, their entire concentration and focus happen to be directly related to the overall user experience, which, in their firm opinion, needs a lot of improvement in all of the matters related to security and upgradability, in order to bring in more users into the fold.

However, as remote working starts to gain popularity, decentralization will be unavoidable. Decentralized payroll services work as one of the best retention tools and incentives to work against employee attrition. Particularly in the post-COVID world, about 54% of employees consider leaving their jobs. Therefore the real-time payment can be beneficial to them and for the long run of the company.

Vivaan Shah: Vivaan Shah is a professional Forex and Cryptocurrency Market Analyst with a background in Finance. He has worked in several foremost publications before getting into NameCoinNews. He has been involved in the cryptocurrency for years. He loves to spend his free time in recording podcasts for crypto beginners. He also enjoys to explore cryptocurrency products.