Seaplify adopts HBAR Foundation DLT via Blade wallet

The HBAR Foundation has announced that Seaplify is joining its ecosystem by leveraging the capabilities of DLT via Blade Wallet. The objective is to catalyze career growth in the maritime industry. Seaplify selected Hedera to create its project because the network provides a safe and efficient digital solution that meets Seaplify’s specific objectives.

The idea is to help meet the needs of 89,510 officers, which the industry is looking to fill by 2026. Seaplify has found the gap, for there is a demand for professionals certified in STCW – Standards of Training, Certification, and Watchkeeping. Gaps in the maritime industry are in four different corners:

  • Fragmented career path
  • Outdated recruitment methods
  • Scarcity of comprehensive educational resources
  • Workforce shortages

Some offerings that Seaplify is bringing to the partnership are improvements in recruitment efficiency, better candidate matching, and expanding job posting reach, among others. For instance, Seaplify also aims to support career development and offer data-driven insights.

For starters, Seaplify will bring together the potential of AI and advanced filters to make it easier to find qualified candidates. This will bring down the cost and time for companies at the time of recruitment. Next, it will extend digital job postings, enabling a broader reach for candidates.

Seaplify is introducing two key functionalities: – Headhunting and Profile Recommendation. These are in line with enhancing the accuracy of matching job profiles with the candidate. Finally, a digital library will boost the career development of candidates. Therefore, it helps companies grow at a faster pace.

The announcement has boosted the price of HBRA, the native token of the Hedera ecosystem. It is up by 6.45% at the time of writing this article. The token is listed at $0.08187, which also reflects a surge of 16.75% in the last 7 days.

Another project to have chosen the Hedera ecosystem in recent times is Reality+. The company is ideally known for assisting giant studios like ITV Studios and BBC Studios in completing the transition to the new generation of Web. The partnership between Reality+ and Hedera enables Reality+ to use its services exclusively for all its projects.

Reality+ chose Hedera, as it provides low fixed fees, immutable royalties, and scalable transactions. Now that gamers have already purchased 1.4 million digital collectibles, it will use Hedera to mint them. Another reason why Reality+ chose Hedera is its sustainable DLT (distributed ledger technology), which is based on the average energy consumed per transaction at 0.00017 kWh.

Seaplify adopting Blade Wallet marks a pivotal moment for the HBAR Foundation and the Hedera network, as Seaplify shares the sentiments. The goal is to catalyze the career growth of the maritime industry and meet the said demands in the next 2 years, that is, by 2026.

Sara Gillard: Sara Gillard is media focused research analyst and strategist with a background in blockchain technology and cryptocurrencies. She contributes latest news and insights into digital economy at a global level. She holds investments in BTC and several altcoins. She is optimistic about potential of cryptocurrencies. In her free time, she enjoys running and aerobics.