Satoshi’s Games’ Elixir Marketplace for BTC Rewards-Based NFTs

The latest news in the blockchain gaming industry comes through Satoshi’s Games. The company has launched Elixir Marketplace, a platform for games where players can earn rewards in Bitcoins. Elixir is an NFT (Non-Fungible Token) marketplace for games and will be a part of the bigger blockchain-based games platform.

With blockchain tech already on the rise, the news has helped the industry pick up even more pace. The marketplace is already live, and players can trade items from Light Nite, the upcoming 3D cartoon-style battle royale by Satoshi’s Games. The announcement regarding the item trade came through an email sent by Carlos Roldan (the Alicante’s founder) to GamesBeat.

The project seems to pack every tried and tested ingredient in the modern gaming industry. Light Nite will be a battle royale with tradeable items and will seamlessly cater to the surging esports community. As per Carlos, the project’s idea originated from the company’s intention to offer micro rewards to crypto users.

How Elixir Marketplace works

The concept behind NFTs is to incentivize any kind of rare item. That’s why gaming companies perceive NFTs as the new Meta to earn from games. It allows players to trade items, and Lite Nite will accompany the concept as well.

The game will possess a system where players earn BTC rewards while playing the game. The rewards can be withdrawn, and additional in-game items can be earned, which can be traded in the real world. Meaning, players will earn rewards by playing games.

With Liquid sidechain backing the marketplace, the transactions will be seamless, secure, and prompt. The Lightning Network will simplify the trading process too. Elixir will be backed by the IPFS (InterPlanetary File System) to store images in a P2P network. Additionally, the accountability to track the assets’ ownership is designated to the LSATs (Lightning Service Authentication Tokens).

Thus, it’s safe to state that Elixir will propose an esteemed experience to every trader and player.

Light Nite will reward gamers

The coming battle royale game already has 3,500 pre-orders, according to Carlos. Plus, the pre-alpha version has approx. 1,300 active players, showcasing the third-person shooter’s popularity.

The game will comprise NFTs that are not merely collectibles but tradeable as well. The better a gamer plays, the more Bitcoin he earns. Players can also earn in-game items tokenized via Liquid. To gain NFTs, players can win, buy, or trade in the Elixir marketplace. Plus, the rewards are withdrawable, meaning they hold value in the real world as well.

Elixir marketplace is an innovative approach by Satoshi’s games where players can trade in-game items for rewards. The platform bodes well with Light Nite, the upcoming battle royale game. The game will reward users with Bitcoins, which can be withdrawn for real-life value as well.

Ronald Cribbs: Ronald Cribbs is a reporter who has studied in Journalism and previously worked as a freelance reporter in well-known publications and financial news websites. He is regularly going for the interview with leading industry players of crypto space. He has been following cryptocurrencies since 2012.