Rollup.Finance teams up with Chainlink BUILD program

Rollup.Finance will be striking a lucrative deal with the Chainlink BUILD program to speed up the enhancement of their overall ecosystem. Along with that will be the incorporation of Rollup.Finance, which has the backing of connectivity with Chainlink’s benchmark Oracle solutions. Added to all of that will be the backing of technical requirements as well as further encouraged crypto economic safety factors.

Rollup.Finance shall be entrusted with providing network-related fees and a range of additional benefits in exchange, which shall be advantageous to the Chainlink community, service providers, and stakeholders. Rollup.Finance has been a part of the Chainlink ecosystem for a time now.

With the support and connectivity provided by secure off-chain solutions, the Rollup.Finance team is confident that additional acceptability will be achieved and the integration of their decentralized offshoot exchange will commence. Rollup.Finance aims to establish a robust and diverse decentralized offshoot exchange that provides traders with the opportunity to benefit from safety and upgradeability considerations for zero-knowledge rollups.

Rollup.Finance inked a deal with BUILD to optimize the advantages linked to safety issues and the dependability factor that comes with Chainlink’s Oracle framework. Now that it is connected with BUILD, Rollup.Finance will be coming in for prime advantages such as connectivity to and incorporation of Chainlink Web3 solutions. This will make available to the company high-standard and decentralized data on-chain, along with the latest Chainlink product alpha and beta deliverables and some other prime advantages.

In return for all of this, Rollup.Finance will be required to contribute 3.75% of its conventional token collection to Chainlnk’s service providers and stakers. In this way, the two concerned communities will have the backing of one another.

According to Boris Lee, the CEO of Rollups.Finance, the integration of the Chainlink BUILD program could potentially accelerate Rollups.Finance’s adoption. By capitalizing on the myriad benefits associated with BUILD, they will be able to enhance their offshoot trading capabilities.

Chainlink serves as the standard against which decentralized computing platforms improve the credibility of the Internet. Chainlink has been tasked with facilitating substantial transaction volumes by providing institutions and entrepreneurs with real-time data connectivity, secure cross-chain interoperability across all blockchains, and off-chain computations.

Rollup.Finance on the other hand, is a decentralized off-shoot exchange that was introduced in the beginning on zkSync. Its potential as an innovative solution for continuous trading on Layer 2 is that it provides the option of building a fresh module for the benefit of on-chain continuous trading and offers viable yields to users.

Vivaan Shah: Vivaan Shah is a professional Forex and Cryptocurrency Market Analyst with a background in Finance. He has worked in several foremost publications before getting into NameCoinNews. He has been involved in the cryptocurrency for years. He loves to spend his free time in recording podcasts for crypto beginners. He also enjoys to explore cryptocurrency products.