ProBit Joins Hands with EasyFi for DeFi Lending Products

ProBit Global and EasyFi Network have joined hands to discover, design, and create new-age lending DeFi services and products for users. The partnership is taking place at a time when the global institutional individuals are interested in crypto. There has been a boost of $16 Billion in the TVL DeFi space. The joining of hands between ProBit Global and EasyFi Network will make a route for CeFi and DeFi integration. Both the companies are working together to make the interaction and integration between the platforms better to allow the users to access and use the other platform’s features with great ease.

EasyFi Network is extremely thrilled to be tying up with ProBit, which has an extensive global reach and user base. They will be able to make the EasyFi protocol stronger and the adoption of DeFi worldwide.

ProBit Exchange ranks in the top twenty of the crypto exchange worldwide. They have finished 250 IEO rounds and managed to rank amongst the top four in Korea. They provide unlimited trading access with one thousand pairs. They enjoy over a hundred thousand community members, a hundred thousand active members each month, fifty million users on wallets like CoinMarketCap. Their website is multilingual with 41 types of languages. Layer 2 EasyFi is a lending protocol made for DeFi and is highly scalable, composable, and adoptive. It is built on an inclusive and open network, allowing end-to-end borrowing and lending of digital assets on public networks. EasyFi will be a permission-less offering of automated smart contracts.

In the lending equation, EasyFi focuses on the borrower side as ProBit has envisioned that will make the collaboration even more reaping, increasing the user-engagement in DeFi. They plan not only to look at the current market requirements but also for the coming time. It will enable the users to use staking programs and lending products that come with a structured requirement on EasyFi. The best part is that ProBit users will not have to leave the infrastructure. The ProBit users will enjoy products, including retail user benefiting from undercollateralized loans, margin financing, microlending, payday loans, credit default swaps, and EasyFi lending pools with added liquidity supply. The company has plans to introduce necessary and relevant services and products to CeFi users and help DeFi adoption. They are looking forward to the switch with the ProBit partnership.

Matthew Diaz: Matthew Diaz is a full stack developer working in NameCoinNews on blockchain and cryptocurrency related websites. He has a comprehensive knowledge of exploring different technical tools to analyse market trends of cryptocurrencies. He has over a decade experience of technical analysis and assisting companies to achieve desired solutions. He is avid cyclist and music enthusiasts.