Pocket Teams Up with ETHGlobal to Sponsor ETHOnline Hackathon

Leading decentralized API Protocol that bridges the gap between blockchains and users, Pocket Network has proudly entered into a strategic collaboration with ETHGlobal, a nurturing body for Ethereum developers and entities. Pocket Network will take the privilege of being the only blockchain infrastructure providing firm to sponsor the ETHOnline hackathon.

As part of the integration, Pocket has become the unofficial network provider of the ETHOnline Hackathon event. The firm will enrich the hackathon’s participating teams with Free of cost decentralized access to the complete suite of blockchain data for Ethereum mainnet or testnets along with xDAI. Teams involved in the event will use Pocket Network services to enjoy streamlined access to Ethereum networks for their projects in a secured and decentralized interface. The networks accessible will be:

  • Ethereum Mainnet (Full-Node)
  • Ethereum Mainnet (Archive Node)
  • xDAI
  • Ethereum Testnet Ropsten
  • Ethereum Testnet Kovan
  • Ethereum Testnet Rinkeby
  • Ethereum Testnet Görli

How to claim the endpoint URL?

Pocket Network has released its dashboard and gateway in ‘stealth mode’ for the blockchain fans. These services can be accessed by the hackathon players only until the successful wrap of the ETHOnline event. For the users who have signed up for ETHOnline, the Pocket team will share and pin the link to the Pocket Dashboard on its public channel within the ETHGlobal discord server network. With the dashboard’s help, the participants will be allowed to enroll their applications and claim a maximum of 1,000,000 requests daily as an endpoint URL. The users can claim the URL for their favorite blockchain channel or any blockchain channel available on the portal.

The Pocket-JS helps build multiple applications, including decentralized exchanges, decentralized blockchain explorers, FlashLoan-Proof oracles, decentralized messaging protocol dVPN, etc.

The Prize List

Pocket Network has unveiled a whopping prize pool of $5K for the winners. The multiple award winners will be rewarded on the following criteria:

A sum of 3.5k DAI shall be distributed to the most suitable projects integrating the Pocket-JS or Pocket Web3 Provider.

  • 1st place allocated for 2000 DAI
  • 2nd place allocated for 1000 DAI
  • 3rd place allocated for 500 DAI

A sum of 1.5k DAI is reserved for the most suitable creativity-centered applications using a Pocket Gateway RPC endpoint URL.

  • 1st place allocated for 500 DAI
  • 2nd place allocated for 400 DAI
  • 3rd place allocated for 300 DAI
  • 4th place allocated for 200 DAI
  • 5th place allocated for 100 DAI

Surprise Bonus Prize

The hackathon teams will be allowed to keep their endpoint URL with a cap of 1,000,000 requests daily for their application after the ending of the ETHOnline event. This will help them to further their usage aimed at high scalability, growth, and development.

Richard Lee: Richard Lee is a regular contributor, who curates in-depth news stories and analysis about the cryptocurrency and blockchain space. He primarily covers latest happenings of US cryptocurrency market. He contributes to a number of well-known industry magazines and news sites before getting into NameCoinNews. He has strong skills in technical analysis of cryptocurrencies.