PlanetWatch to Go Live by the End of This Week on the Algorand MainNet

By the end of this week, PlanetWatch will be going live on Algorand MainNet and it is considered to be an important milestone.

Algorand Foundation also posted a tweet yesterday, August 26, to announce the launch and how excited they are about this truly inspiring project.

Project on Algorand MainNet

PlanetWatch selected Algorand since it is currently the most advanced. Initially, tests were run on an Algorand technology-based blockchain named TestNet. On TestNet, it is possible to check system performance without the need to pay any transaction fees or any core network security concerns.

Immutable Repository of Air Quality Data

Verified sensor data will be updated on Algorand blockchain to create an immutable repository of air quality data that everyone can be accessed. This global air quality data will eventually have excellent scientific and commercial value.

Algorand will allow the following:

  • Recording of data access requests.
  • Storage of data about air quality in a safe and permanent manner.
  • Reward data contributors and release Planet tokens.

According to Claudio, PlanetWatch CEO, this application will decentralize as well as raise air quality monitoring standards. The data PlanetWatch will help in the creation of first tamper-proof and permanent air quality ledger, built on Algorand, an advanced blockchain.

As per Algorand COO, W. Sean Ford, selection of a scalable and advanced blockchain such as Algorand shows PlanetWatch’s vision of creating something with long-lasting environmental value. Ford added that Algorand has been supporting the PlanetWatch project from the beginning and they are excited at the launch of this project on Algorand’s MainNet.

More About PlanetWatch

PlanetWatch offers end to end solution for generating, validating, analyzing, and recording data about air quality. It makes use of web and mobile apps as well as proprietary algorithms to leverage several technologies. These technologies consist of Algorand, which is a framework for data acquisition that was developed at CERN and different types of IoT enabled sensors.

The framework for data acquisition, as well as monitoring, is based on a software suite called C2MON that was developed at CERN. C2MON leverages over ten years of experience the CERN research center has in technical infrastructure monitoring.

Sara Gillard: Sara Gillard is media focused research analyst and strategist with a background in blockchain technology and cryptocurrencies. She contributes latest news and insights into digital economy at a global level. She holds investments in BTC and several altcoins. She is optimistic about potential of cryptocurrencies. In her free time, she enjoys running and aerobics.