Opera mobile web browser now available with integrated Ethereum wallet

Leading internet web browser Opera has announced that it has integrated Ethereum wallet in its latest browser application which can be downloaded from the Google Play Store. The updated application has been released for the Android platform and comes with the functionality of web 3 support. The development assumes significance in the wake of ongoing efforts to make cryptocurrencies a part of the mainstream payment system. Now a large tech company such as Opera coming forward and integrating blockchain technology in one of its key products signals an important transition for the cryptocurrencies – from being considered mere virtual coins to becoming part of daily transactions.

Updated Opera Browser

The launch of updated application is significant for the Opera too. Unlike the past where Opera users faced difficulty while accessing web 3 services, the latest application makes sure that no such issue hamper their browsing, thereby allowing for a user-friendly, seamless experience. More importantly, however, the new web browser facilitates effortless cryptocurrency transactions owing to its integrated Ethereum wallet. Opera has chosen Ethereum purity on its merit of having a large number of dApp developers, which it believes will help its users in their interactions with dApp. The company also revealed that it has future plans of extending the wallet to include more cryptocurrencies and networks which will further facilitate the integration of blockchain-based transactions in the system.

Crypto Industry Reaction

The Crypto market has welcomed this development wholeheartedly. Joseph Lubin, the founder of ConsenSys and co-founder of Ethereum, said that the development marks a significant milestone in the journey of cryptocurrency and will help to improve the accessibility of dApp and web three for mainstream audiences. This integration will also encourage the technology developers to grow Ethereum platform further. Just so you know, the term web three is used as an umbrella term for describing a host of emerging technologies lying at an intersection of the blockchain, distributed system, and cryptocurrency. Together all these three technologies vastly improve the web experience by allowing the users to enhance application usage at any point in time significantly.

Extending the Browser’s role and capabilities

Similar to the web 3, the use of a browser with Crypto wallet will change the way online transactions are being made – giving the users more control and significantly enhancing the security of the transaction process. It will also enhance the browser’s capabilities by adding a new dimension to its existing role of providing information access. This new launch is a part of a series of actions that Opera is taking to enhance the integration of cryptocurrency across its browser platforms. The company has already integrated Ethereum wallets on a desktop version of its web browser earlier this year. The new Opera web browser for the Android users is now available on Google Play Store. The news is expected to have a positive effect on the crypto market which has been bleeding since the start of 2018 after touching surreal heights in December 2017.

Richard Lee: Richard Lee is a regular contributor, who curates in-depth news stories and analysis about the cryptocurrency and blockchain space. He primarily covers latest happenings of US cryptocurrency market. He contributes to a number of well-known industry magazines and news sites before getting into NameCoinNews. He has strong skills in technical analysis of cryptocurrencies.