Openocean & Aboard Exchange Launch Perpetual Trading

The first DAO-led partnership has been successfully formed between OpenOcean and Aboard Exchange. From here on, all of their collective users will be in the position of getting connected to perpetual trading. 

This will be on the Avalanche and the Arbitrum platform, which will be made possible by visiting their site. With the launch of these perpetual futures, there will now be more provisions from their platform, as well as a further scope of maneuverability in the market, all for the ultimate benefit of their extended community of traders. This will also open the doors for the users to gain maximum benefits from the ever-changing and overall crypto scenario.  

In the case of the uninitiated, perpetual trading in the metaverse parlance also happens to be known as perps or perpetuals or perp swaps. In layman’s language, it happens to be market derivative futures contracts that come without expiry dates. Through preps, one comes to a position where one is able to carry out trading in crypto without really purchasing or selling it. 

In this case scenario, and on the other side, users can freely deposit collateral within a perpetual swap contract. This will place them in a position where they can make calculated guesses regarding the pricing of the underlying token. 

With the incorporation of the Aboard advanced trading core, they will be in a position where it will be possible for them to provide perpetual trading on nearly 15 separate trending contracts. Soon, the numbers will only increase exponentially. 

Further, with the merging of the two entities, OpenOcean and Aboard Exchange, all of the connected traders actively engaging in the trading of perpetual futures will find themselves benefitting in many ways. For instance, it could be multi-collateral trading using assets such as USDT, ETH, and wBTC. They could also build up to 25x. There will also be the possibility of tapping into OpenOcean’s present deep liquidity pools running through Arbitrum, as well as the Avalanche networks. The best rates also will be at their very disposal.

With the integrated futures being incorporated on OpenOcean, all of the users will be able to build on their trading abilities and benefit greatly from market shakes and unpredictability. Aboard Exchange has a massive role to play where all of these newly introduced features are concerned. On its own part, OpenOcean, too, happens to be the absolute top-of-the-line DEX aggregator. 

Ronald Cribbs: Ronald Cribbs is a reporter who has studied in Journalism and previously worked as a freelance reporter in well-known publications and financial news websites. He is regularly going for the interview with leading industry players of crypto space. He has been following cryptocurrencies since 2012.