NEO Nosedives Today Though Rose by 2.6% Overnight

The price momentum of NEO is quite admirable as compared to many coins in the market. The market cap of the currency has significantly improved over the years. Yesterday, the coin was registering uptrend, but today, it is at a significant low. The same volatility can be expected in the coming days.

NEO Price Analysis

Yesterday, NEO started the day around $9.65 and then slipped marginally to $9.59 by 0.56%. Later, the coin escalated to $10.30 by 7.3%, and then, in an hour, the price slipped to $10.15 by 1.49%. There was another escalation marked that brought the NEO price to $10.40 by 2.47%. After that, the NEO price dropped again and touched $10.13 by 2.54%. The coin price jumped to $10.33 by 1.96% and then in the next 3 hours, the currency slipped to $10.05 by 2.74%. The closing hour brought surge in the NEO coin that took the price to $10.28 by 2.31% hike. The intraday movement in the coin reflected hike of 6.57%. Today, the NEO price dropped from $10.28 to $9.84 by a steep fall of 4.30%. Then, it recovered slightly and reached $9.95 by 1.11%.

Today, NEO reflects moderate downside momentum. The price is likely to drop below the immediate support level at $9.4. However, in case the momentum improves, then the coin would violate the immediate resistance level at $10.56. As per Neo predictions, the traders who are planning to invest in the currency are suggested to opt for the long-term investment plan. The same would ensure a high return in the future.

Ronald Cribbs: Ronald Cribbs is a reporter who has studied in Journalism and previously worked as a freelance reporter in well-known publications and financial news websites. He is regularly going for the interview with leading industry players of crypto space. He has been following cryptocurrencies since 2012.