Neo Colorado to Host ‘Ideas and Microgrants’ to promote Local Blockchain Development

Neo Colorado is set to host ‘Ideas and Microgrants,’ a project generation event in Lafayette, Colorado, to hold discussions of innovative ideas. These ideas are to be implemented for projects that can be built on the Neo blockchain and the CPZ microgrants program should be able to support it. The participants would be familiarized with the requirements of submitting a COZ microgrant application along with the ways to define potential project proposals. The co-founder of the COZ microgrants program, Tyler Adams, will also attend the event and provide his insights and help to conduct the workshop.

The event has no registration fee and would be of informal nature, primarily to bring forth new ideas and sharpen the existing ones, which would facilitate the development of the COZ grant proposal. The tentative agenda of the event consists of –

  • Introductions
  • A brief overview of COZ and grant program
  • Use of case/tool idea generation
  • Discussion of 10 minutes of each use case before moving on to the next
  • Description of technical and drafting support for potential grant applications

“The COZ microgrant program was developed to help incubate creative problem solving or innovative ideas and talent.” The initial amount of the microgrants would be 5000 US dollars fund development work and research models. The project approvals are slightly difficult to obtain as the submissions should contain all details of the applicant’s objectives and how it would make a valuable addition to the Neo ecosystem. This program is different from COZ’s usual “work first, reward later” model and demands open source projects. The company plans a more regular distribution of microgrants, although the number would not be pre-fixed by the developer group. The number of successful applications would instead be decided based on the quality of the proposals submitted. Apart from this you can visit Neo news to know more insights for the coin.

Registrations for the event can be found on the following links-


Matthew Diaz: Matthew Diaz is a full stack developer working in NameCoinNews on blockchain and cryptocurrency related websites. He has a comprehensive knowledge of exploring different technical tools to analyse market trends of cryptocurrencies. He has over a decade experience of technical analysis and assisting companies to achieve desired solutions. He is avid cyclist and music enthusiasts.