Moonstake Announces a Strategic Collaboration with Centrality

Moonstake is ecstatic to announce its collaboration with Centrality; the partnership aims to execute Centrality token’s staking, including the appointment of Centrality CEO Aaron McDonald as the Moonstake advisor.

Talking about the partnership, Aaron McDonald, CEO at Centrality quoted,

Moonstake recently established a staking pool protocol to fulfill the global and regional market demands; staking enables Proof of Stake (POS), allowing the cryptocurrency holders to improve their probability of receiving rewards from block validation transactions.

Primarily, Moonstake aims to create the largest staking pool network in Asia, making a great space for crypto holders. A partnership with Moonstake allows Centrality to strengthen the collaboration with leading blockchain platforms across the globe.

The Founder of Moonstake, Mitsuru Tezuka, is incredibly excited to work with Centrality, the leading blockchain platform in New Zealand. Tezuka is confident about Aaron McDonald’s joining as the advisor for Moonstake, which will be a great help for both parties to expand their business globally.

Moonstake is a technologically advanced company that focuses on staking and blockchain technologies and expanding the staking network across Asia. As of now, Moonstake’s staking pools support Cosmos, IRISnet, Ontology, Harmony, Tezos, and ADA.

Matthew Diaz: Matthew Diaz is a full stack developer working in NameCoinNews on blockchain and cryptocurrency related websites. He has a comprehensive knowledge of exploring different technical tools to analyse market trends of cryptocurrencies. He has over a decade experience of technical analysis and assisting companies to achieve desired solutions. He is avid cyclist and music enthusiasts.