Monero Price Analysis: Monero Exhibits Dramatic Movement in 12-months’ Time

The crypto market experienced many booms in 2019. The currencies became all the more impactful and the future of the same seems brighter than ever. Amidst highs, there were also some lows. The market was spotted reflected loss from the third-quarter which hanged till the closing day.

Monero was among the top guns of the market. The currency lost its charm in changing scenarios of the market. The year reflected dramatic movement in the coin. The same is speculated to improve soon. As per our XMR coin price prediction, the coming term is likely to hold heavy expectations. We are positive that most of them might come true.

Monero Price Analysis

XMR coin began the year at $52.53. The January closed at $8.5 by 16.22%. In the February and March, the price escalated to $63.02 by 44.10%. In April, the price counters moved from $63.02 to $68.26 by 8.06%. In May, the currency jumped to $93.34 by 36.25%. In June, the price slipped to $84.16 by 9.83%. The price escalated to $117.43 by 39.72%. June closed at $89.24. In July, Monero’s price jumped to $106 but again fell to $74. July closed at $80.8. A similar pattern was observed in August when the price escalated to $97.1 and then closed the month at $67.94. In September, the price escalated to $81 and the fall con continued till today. The aggregate fall was noted as 43% as today the coin is at $45.70.

XMR coin is considered as a result-yielding coin. The currency is speculated to have a better term ahead than 2019. The tremendous jump in June might take place soon in 2020. The traders interested in Monero are recommended to opt for the long-term period. The specified time frame would bring maximum result to the investors. The future of the coin is bright. The currency has the potential to enrol itself in the top ten cryptocurrency list.

Matthew Diaz: Matthew Diaz is a full stack developer working in NameCoinNews on blockchain and cryptocurrency related websites. He has a comprehensive knowledge of exploring different technical tools to analyse market trends of cryptocurrencies. He has over a decade experience of technical analysis and assisting companies to achieve desired solutions. He is avid cyclist and music enthusiasts.