Monero GUI Release Nitrogen Nebula v0.16.0.3

One of the world’s largest cryptocurrency Monero has updated its crypto-wallet platform Monero GUI with the latest release—Nitrogen Nebula. This release marks the upgrade of Monero GUI with version According to the release notes, the v0.16.0.3 release of the Monero GUI software will enhance this ledger-friendly wallet and make it more compatible with third-party integrations.

Monero GUI is a third-party wallet application that allows users to connect a distributed ledger device to their crypto wallet platform. Before the v. release, Monero GUI could manage the digital money transactions and displace crypto wallet balances of its users securely. With the Nitrogen Nebula release, Monero GUI will continue to do so but add more advanced features for the users.

The Monero Graphical User Interface wallet is being upgraded as an open-source wallet for allowing the users with next-level privacy-oriented use of Monero cryptocurrency. Operating systems, namely Windows, Mac OSX, and Linux, are being used to run the Monero GUI v0.16.0.3.

According to the official statement from Monero wallet developers, the Monero GUI has been upgraded into a non-custodial wallet that stays completely synced with the Monero blockchain and brings efficiency in sending, receiving, and managing the XMR tokens.

Nitrogen Nebula is a minor release in terms of GUI development but has upgraded the software with multiple high-value features.

Apple has notarized the new Monero GUI for its iOS and macOS application version. There are multiple CMake enhancements made in the GUI platform. Nitrogen Nebula also improves the interoperability of Monero GUI by extending its support to remote IPv6 nodes. It also supports the CLI configurations for log page history. Users can add the “Donate to Monero” button on their wallet and crypto platform.

With the v0.16.0.3, Monero GUI is indicating several probabilities where users can find a block on their crypto mining page. Along with some minor bug fixes, the Nitrogen Nebula Monero GUI is also updated with a wide range of source codes made available on GitHub.

At the developer-side, the new version of Monero GUI has been upgraded with precisely 16626 new lines of coding and programming. The Monero GUI v0.16.0.3 Nitrogen Nebula is compatible with Windows 64-bit, macOS 64-bit, Windows 64-bit Installer, and Linux 64-bit operating systems. According to the official statement from Monero wallet developers

Aarav Ghosh: Aarav Ghosh is a sub editor and contributor to NameCoinNews who specializes in covering latest stories and headlines of cryptocurrencies and blockchain. Additionally, he also covers latest news related to FinTech industry. He is a firm believer of next big transformation of world economy in terms of digitalization.