Monero Devalues by 3% in Past 5 Days

Monero seems to be releasing its recent update in the development soon. Will that help in improving the credibility of the platform?

XMR to USD Price Analysis:

In the recent hours, the value of XMR was seen trading at $55.92 at 09:28 UTC as on October 9, 2019.

Considering the price statistics from last 5 days, the value was initially seen trading at $54.34 on October 4 at 04:40 UTC. The value from then escalated by 6.22% to the highest touch point of $57.723 on the same day. The value then moved to descending movement by 6.03% on October 7 at 00:20 UTC, trading at $54.25.

The value from then escalated by 5.24% on the same day at 13:00 UTC, seen trading at $57.09. The value from then is dropped by 2.07% as of now.

XMR seems to be fluctuating in the strong bearish zone supporting ‘buying’ trade decision for the investors. According to Monero forecast and analysis, it is predicted that the value of XMR might drop a little more by 10% in the upcoming few days. It is a forecast algorithm for short-term prognosis.

The calculated resistance and support levels are as follows:

Resistance Levels:

R1: $56.87, R2: $57.88, R3: $58.7

Support Levels:

S1: $55.04, S2: $54.22, S3: $53.21

Ronald Cribbs: Ronald Cribbs is a reporter who has studied in Journalism and previously worked as a freelance reporter in well-known publications and financial news websites. He is regularly going for the interview with leading industry players of crypto space. He has been following cryptocurrencies since 2012.