Massive Bitcoin haul by unidentified buyer over two years

An unidentified Bitcoin buyer accumulated one of the largest Bitcoin collections over the course of two years. According to data disclosed by Bitinfocharts, the acquisition process commenced in November 2022, and the estimated collection value exceeds 54,164 BTC, or approximately $3.2 billion.

Since he first began, the unidentified purchaser has been referred to as Mr. 100 due to the fact that he has purchased one hundred bitcoins per day. Speculations circulating suggest banks or investment funds may also be involved, casting doubt on his claim to be a lone investor.

According to Chris Martin, director of research at Amberdata, all other ETFs have disclosed their addresses, in contrast to this particular circumstance. To the best of his knowledge, the purchaser has utilized Binance and KuCoin. Although the US government has collected a substantial amount of Bitcoin, he believes it has no part in this.

Martin reports that Hong Kong is considering 31 applications pertaining to cryptocurrency curators. Reuters recently issued a statement confirming their presumption from September 2015 that the Chinese were acquiring Bitcoin for $230, and now Mr. 100 as well. Martin is not convinced that this unidentified purchaser is preparing for the Bitcoin Halving in April. It may not be preparing tokens for anything in particular but rather just bolstering the price run-up. Nonetheless, the mystery surrounding the 100 BTC figure persists.

Although numerous hypotheses are circulating in the cryptocurrency space concerning Mr. 100, all indications point to a bull run.

In addition to Mr. 100, it was reported in April that a wallet containing Bitcoin had transferred over $11 million worth of BTC after remaining dormant for twelve years. Another Bitcoin client was implicated in the theft of $8 million BTC ten years later. In November, a container containing $450 million worth of Bitcoin was discovered.

Richard Lee: Richard Lee is a regular contributor, who curates in-depth news stories and analysis about the cryptocurrency and blockchain space. He primarily covers latest happenings of US cryptocurrency market. He contributes to a number of well-known industry magazines and news sites before getting into NameCoinNews. He has strong skills in technical analysis of cryptocurrencies.