M12 declares one-click positioning of Space and Time on Azure Marketplace

M12, Microsoft’s Venture Fund, announces the one-click positioning of Space and Time on the Azure Marketplace will make provision for developers who come with a trustless intermediary to swiftly and conveniently onboard huge amounts of enterprise data to smart contracts, along with fresh use cases in terms of indexed blockchain data.
It is also now possible for the Space and Time data warehouse to be positioned directly on the Microsoft Azure Marketplace. With the one-click positioning in place, customers can make available, control, and carry out analytics on conventional blockchain data. This, in turn, will provide a faster on-ramp for the sake of a decentralized data warehouse.

This incorporation allows businesses to utilize the advantages of a decentralized data warehouse without having to re-architect the current framework. Through this, companies will be in the position of being able to create on the blockchain. In the bargain, they will not miss out on the computed strength or the safety angle. The all-inclusive Microsoft Azure Cloud services and top identity and security abilities open the doors for a reliable set of services and tools for developing Web3 applications. Microsoft and Space and Time are collectively managing to bring companies onto the blockchain and easing the way for developers to be able to create in Web3.

According to the corporate vice president of global industry marketing at Microsoft, Kathleen Mitford, they are boosting growth in all upcoming markets. This also has blockchain and distributed data. Both entities will be making provisions for the tools required to create next-generation blockchain use cases.

Space and Time leads the Web3 data warehouse and links real-world data indexed through prime blockchains with customer-offered off-chain datasets. As for the one-click positioning, it allows Azure customers convenient incorporation with the Space and Time data warehouse while holding on to the existing enterprise framework. This brings about fresh use cases for base-layer blockchains, along with developers of decentralized applications.

Where the CEO and Co-Founder of Space and Time, Nate Holiday, is concerned, authenticated data is urgently required among blockchains, businesses, and AI. The collaboration with Microsoft will allow Azure customers to link off-chain and on-chain data and incorporate blockchain technology with the help of the enterprise application stack.

Ronald Cribbs: Ronald Cribbs is a reporter who has studied in Journalism and previously worked as a freelance reporter in well-known publications and financial news websites. He is regularly going for the interview with leading industry players of crypto space. He has been following cryptocurrencies since 2012.