Lightning Labs releases a new-age financial tool

Lightning Labs, a Bitcoin company, introduces Taproot Assets mainnet alpha daemon, which is an advanced financial tool. Taproot Assets builds stablecoins and manages other assets using Bitcoin technology. It has the security and decentralization features of Bitcoin. Taproot Assets v0.3 allows programmers to adapt Bitcoin into a network that can handle a wide variety of assets.

The plan is to adapt Bitcoin into a decentralized global monetary system. With the combination of Taproot Assets Lightning transactions, there will be a drastic change in the way financial exchange is viewed. 

The process has included feedback from Bitcoin developers, learnings from the testnet stage, and the backing of initial users who contributed towards the creation of Taproot Assets. During the course of the testnet stage, nearly 2,000 assets were built with nodes linked to the universe server over 420,000 times.

Polar and Litd v0.12 now include the Taproot Assets daemon, which is stocked with tools derived from fundamental node operations and is ready to support a wide range of assets. Bitcoin came into the picture when El Salvador considered it an official currency in 2021. Following that, Lightning Network understood its potential. The demand for stablecoins continued to grow internationally. It was the answer to deep inflation, where it managed to hold its ground. Gold, corporate bonds, and U.S. government bonds are all being considered for potential Bitcoin integration.

Taproot Assets v0.3 has user-friendly APIs for building and retrieving assets and backing for tranched issuance. It also ensures real-world assets connected to the digital versions are redeemed securely. In the case of transactions, assets are able to be shifted at any given time. There is also the Multiverse Mode. Multiverse functionality is a major addition to Taproot Assets v0.3. In multiverse mode, a single Universe server can store transactional data for a wide variety of assets. This paves the way for developers to gather and store all the information needed to create users’ standard block explorer experience.

This latest version has better safety features, upgradeability, and user exposure. Some added features include  witness fields, PSBTs, and Schnorr signatures.

Ronald Cribbs: Ronald Cribbs is a reporter who has studied in Journalism and previously worked as a freelance reporter in well-known publications and financial news websites. He is regularly going for the interview with leading industry players of crypto space. He has been following cryptocurrencies since 2012.