KuCoin Exchange Launches Upgrade for the Sub-Account Function

Working as a leading cryptocurrency exchange supporting technology-packed projects, KuCoin has announced new upgrades of the sub-account function for its customers. This revolutionary service will help users to enjoy a seamless and innovative trading system. Users can manage and control several sub-accounts under their master account on the exchange. The Twitter post released by KuCoin stated:

As per the blog post, the sub-accounts facility has been launched on KuCoin’s website portal and will be available for public deployment on the native exchange app. The investors can set up sub-accounts in Account Overview>>Sub-Account on the website. The sub-account holders will not be allowed to participate in important activities, including Pool-X, airdrop events, Spotlight, etc. offered by the exchange.

Upgraded Functions on KuCoin Exchange

  1. Each master account holder shall be allowed to create a maximum of 100 sub-accounts easily.
  2. Investors can use the master account to manage various functions, including:
  • Creation of sub-accounts
  • Transfer of assets
  • Freezing of accounts
  • Login reset
  • Transaction password
  • Google verification, etc.
  1. The users will get the login name of the sub-account at the time of creating the master account.
  2. The sub-accounts will be tied to a phone and email address different from the master accounts. Once the binding is done, users can log in with their phone, email, and sub-accounts names.
  3. The KYC authentication process of the sub-accounts and the master account and the transaction fee charges are identical.
  4. The sub-accounts will not be allowed to withdraw funds. Transferring and withdrawal of funds to the sub-account shall be made by the master account.
  5. Sub-accounts will be used by investors for trading in the Spot, Margin, and KuCoin Futures products available on the website.
Ronald Cribbs: Ronald Cribbs is a reporter who has studied in Journalism and previously worked as a freelance reporter in well-known publications and financial news websites. He is regularly going for the interview with leading industry players of crypto space. He has been following cryptocurrencies since 2012.