Joe Biden Shares Remedial Plans on Corona Outbreak; Seeks Military Intervention

Joe Biden, a popular political leader of the United States of America, shared his views on the global outbreak of the coronavirus during the Dem Debate. The ex-vice president of the U.S, Joe Biden enriched the audience with an array of exemplary remedial solutions which can turn out to be fruitful in curbing the corona outbreak in America as well as around the world.

During the interaction, Joe advocated that the people of America need a well-designed comprehensive approach towards the corona pandemic as the disease is enveloping a major section of the world population in its tentacles at a very fast rate. He stated that in his opinion, decisive public health policy could do wonders in putting a halt to the pandemic spread. This includes removal of all the cost barriers on the precautionary care and treatment, the launch of an effective preventive vaccine, along with the full deployment of necessary supplies, services, and facilities to all people irrespective of any criteria. Joe remarked that it is the responsibility of the designated authorities to carve out an economic response that brings relief to the ailing population in the United States of America.

He insisted that the implementation of an economic policy that ensures employee safety should be adopted by the organizations. Emergency paid leaves for the infected, along with aids for their family members, should be provided to the workers. Joe feels that the federal government of the country should act swiftly, intelligently, and aggressively irrespective of the economic consequences.

While talking about the remedial plans, Joe stated that the role of the military in battling out the coronavirus is certainly unmatchable as the force is capable of dealing with such distressful conditions. The intervention might help in the channelization of the relief operations against the coronavirus across the country in a judicial manner. He added that the government must provide a helping hand to the people who are in the most vulnerable state. It is significant that people get themselves tested at the right time. Joe opines that the remedial program will require multimillion dollars investment, but it needs to be managed to safeguard the citizens from the bumping situation. He feels that we should be moving in a direction that fulfills the requirements of a long-term corrective plan, which can bring successful results for the U.S people.

Sara Gillard: Sara Gillard is media focused research analyst and strategist with a background in blockchain technology and cryptocurrencies. She contributes latest news and insights into digital economy at a global level. She holds investments in BTC and several altcoins. She is optimistic about potential of cryptocurrencies. In her free time, she enjoys running and aerobics.