Intain Inc. successfully launches its IntainMARKETS

Intain Inc., which in actuality happens to be an absolute top-of-the-line structured finance platform, has successfully launched IntainMARKETS. This happens to be a marketplace, in terms of tokenized asset-backed securities, that has been created as an Avalanche Subnet. By delivering it in the form of a Subnet, IntainMARKETS will be able to live up to the needs for regulatory, as well as other application specifics. 

Its intention is to address the core challenges faced by a market that was responsible for the building of $2T of new mortgage-supported and asset-supported securities in the year gone by, as per SIFMA.  

IntainMARKETS’ digital marketplace happens to automate and incorporate activities of prime stakeholders of structured finance, in terms of the rating agency, servicer, trustee, and also investor. This also happens to include the issuer, verification agent, and underwriter. It incorporates all of them on a lone platform, along with processes. In order to begin digital allocation and investment, dependent on an on-chain workflow. 

Where the IntainMARKETS is concerned, the investor gets benefits with aspects of total clarity in terms of all loans supporting investments. Returns are also received on a regular basis. On the other hand, asset issuers getting the facility of lower costs provide them with the opportunity of entering a greater investor pool with the help of carrying out transactions of lesser amounts. 

According to the Founder and CEO of Intain, Siddhartha, the blockchain industry, up until now, has been targeting tokenization. However, in his opinion, tokenization actually has nothing to do with factors such as clarity and effectiveness.

 He further adds and spells out his appreciation of the backing he has received from financial institutions, who, incidentally, also happen to be the company’s present partners. He feels companies such as Ava Labs and the greater Avalanche ecosystem have played a significant part in the launching of IntainMARKETS. 

The choice of Avalanche stemmed from the fact of the blockchain’s Subnet framework, which happens to be providing institutionally inclined companies to build permissioned networks which fit in with specific regulatory issues and many other reasons. 

The IntainMARKETS Subnet happens to have a U.S.-hosted framework that permits data to remain where it is locally. In this case, validators who have been selected through people taking part in the network also require to be authenticated U.S. persons. 

Where Intain is concerned, it happens to be creating blockchain-enabled digital platforms for the sake of further clarity and more effectiveness in terms of capital market transactions. The attention, however, remains on structured finance. In the case of an avalanche, it happens to be the quickest and most dependable smart contract platform globally.

 Ava Labs, on its own part, makes it convenient to high-end position solutions in the case of Web3, which happens to be led by innovations carried out on Avalanche. According to the President of Ava Labs, John Wu, they are extremely glad to be working with IntainMARKETS as it happens to be the first structured finance marketplace.

Richard Lee: Richard Lee is a regular contributor, who curates in-depth news stories and analysis about the cryptocurrency and blockchain space. He primarily covers latest happenings of US cryptocurrency market. He contributes to a number of well-known industry magazines and news sites before getting into NameCoinNews. He has strong skills in technical analysis of cryptocurrencies.