What the crypto market can expect from Trump’s attendance at Bitcoin Conference 2024?

As the 2024 presidential contest begins to burn bright, attention turns to the usual political battlegrounds and the currency of the 21st century—crypto. American politics icon and a new crypto advocate, Donald Trump, will deliver a keynote speech at Bitcoin 2024 in Nashville, Tennessee, on July 27. 

This may be a game-changer for already announced event heavyweights like Coinbase. The chairman of the United States Securities and Exchange Commission will likely arrive in Congress, a move expected to encourage more regulation and market stability.

Trump’s crypto stance

The relationship between Donald Trump and cryptocurrencies has been a roller-coaster. Initially, Trump remained skeptical about Bitcoin and other digital currencies, famously tweeting in 2019 that he was “not a fan of Bitcoin and other Cryptocurrencies.” However, Trump’s position changed as the crypto market soared in influence. These days, he’s an ardent cheerleader against Democratic regulatory overreach, at ease painting himself as a defender of financial innovation. He is the only leading candidate whose policy position regarding cryptocurrencies is somewhat known. 

Trump stated in his campaign: “Regulation can be very positive. He also alarmed President Joe Biden and the Democratic Party for what he described as an “overreach” into regulating the crypto market. For his part, Trump’s recent push to back cryptocurrencies is likely a calculated play to wrest young and tech-savvy crypto enthusiasts from the growing voter base that skews libertarian.

Trump and his rivals could not be more different. The Biden administration appears willing to regulate but has signaled they will do it in a balanced way that cherishes the good and prevents adverse effects of the crypto industry. At the same time, Trump has very minimal regulation of blockchain technology. The big public battle that will play out in the political arena over such cryptocurrencies has started to be drawn along those same ideological lines.

What does it mean for the crypto industry?

Trump’s speaking engagement at Bitcoin 2024 is about more than the speech itself – it is a political move as carefully planned out as any strategy from his time in office. One possible reason is that she’s trying to court the crypto community to expand its base and tap into a group of people who might have some significant overlap between financial liberty and technological innovation. 

Such a move could be critical in a close race. That is a considerable slice potentially of his voter base. Trump may emerge as a hero among crypto enthusiasts who feel excluded from traditional financial systems. That could mean significant backing from a demographic with the resources and reason to influence the election.

Meanwhile, the media coverage of Trump’s speech will be massive. Combining a high-profile political figure with a buzzy and contentious industry will undoubtedly create some headlines. Investors will be looking forward to whether Trump can use this coverage to build on his campaign narrative that he is an independent maverick willing and able to bulldoze the system. 

Nevertheless, this scrutiny is a double-edged sword: his detractors can quickly turn an ill-advised or controversial remark into ammunition.

Are laxation on crypto regulations on the way?

The current regulatory environment for cryptocurrencies in the US is tangled. While the market has grown exponentially, regulatory clarity still needs to be discovered. The Biden administration and Congress are actively working to develop a comprehensive regulatory framework. The aim is to balance participating in innovation and protecting consumers from fraud and financial instability. 

The White House’s efforts to work with Congress reflect a cautious approach. Key legislative proposals include strengthening compliance measures like anti-money laundering (AML) regulations, ensuring consumer protection, and addressing the environmental impact of crypto mining. These efforts have met mixed reactions from the industry, with some welcoming the clarity and others fearing stifling innovation. 

Trump’s advocacy for cryptocurrencies could significantly influence this regulatory structure. If he wins the election, his administration is likely to pursue a deregulatory agenda, potentially reversing some of the measures proposed by the current administration. This prospect is both exciting and also concerning for the industry. Though it may lead to fewer regulatory hurdles, it raises questions about market stability and investor protection.

Crypto industry in a Catch-22

Key industry figures, including the top 50 crypto businesses like Coinbase, are already interested in Bitcoin 2024. Trump’s speech will be widely watched to see how the industry reacts. Given Coinbase’s run-ins with regulators, the platform would probably use this to lobby for transparent and more accommodative regulations. The entire crypto community has high expectations for it. 

Many hope that Trump’s support will translate into policies stimulating innovation and market growth. On the other hand, many investors are worried about the safety of their assets. Whatever the direction of the conference takes, the crypto industry needs to cooperate with the government to find regulatory avenues that work for all parties.

As we await Trump’s speech, the stakes could not be higher. The result could be consequential for the crypto industry and give either side a formidable advantage in deciding the future of crypto. 

For Trump, it is a chance to prove his claim as a defender of disruption and financial freedom. These forces intersect at Bitcoin2024, rendering it an event of historical significance. To top it off, Donald Trump  memecoin, TrumpCoin, shot up to 500,000x after the announcement was aired. This makes it a great time to make all the profits.

Anushka Basu: Anushka Basu serves as a crypto price analyst and news reporter. With a strong focus on price analysis and market trends, Anushka excels at conducting comprehensive research and analysis for various cryptocurrencies. Having coordinated PR efforts and aided journalists from esteemed publications like Business Insider and Fox Television, she adeptly shares a specialized understanding of digital currency and the DeFi industry.