hiblocks Enters Into An Official Partnership With Quiztok and Medius

The Blockchain technology-driven social media platform “Medius,” the platform of content curation “hiblocks,” and the platform of reward-type quiz “Quiztok” have agreed to the activation of the platform of Blockchain Technology service.

The Blockchain technology medical SNS platform, Medius, is involved with sharing the medical service experience of patients. Medius enjoys a soaring reputation in its service of recommending doctors and hospitals by the maintenance of a database of the experiences of different patients.

Quiztok is a platform that mines quizzes and enables the registered user to receive tokens and rewards by participating and solving quizzes. The platform earns through advertisements during the session time. The registered user can also prepare his own quiz and challenge others to participate and win.

The platform of social media curation, hiblocks, is developed with advanced Blockchain technology. The users receive a bunch of perks and rewards for personalizing high-quality content of various niches on the platform.

According to the provisions of the contract among the three companies, the mutual agreement that has been reached is that the three companies together shall provide the medical information of Medium at the hiblocks platform, conduct affiliate promotion marketing with the help of brand quiz questions at Quiztok, and provide medical treatment discount benefits at the platform of hiblocks.

The contract among the three companies aims to provide marketing activities and differentiated benefits to the registered users by the combination of quizzes and medical information. The objective of the partnership shall be implemented through the linkage of the services of the three platforms.

The CEO of Medius, Park Bo-Hyun, has said that they are incredibly excited in their venture of providing easy access to the medical field through customization of content on social media and reward-type quizzes. Navigating across the medical field for the right doctor or hospital is a difficult task, and so the CEOs of the three companies are glad that the activation of the health-care and medical market based on ICT will be of immense help for all.

The partnership among the three companies was declared in the form of a post on Twitter, which read that the three companies Medius, hiblocks, and Quiztok, have officially joined hands to offer streamlined services to the registered users. The CEOs of Medius, hiblocks, and Quiztok, Park Bo-Hyun, Young Kim, and Changsub Jeon, respectively, posed for a picture to celebrate the grand partnership agreement.

Richard Lee: Richard Lee is a regular contributor, who curates in-depth news stories and analysis about the cryptocurrency and blockchain space. He primarily covers latest happenings of US cryptocurrency market. He contributes to a number of well-known industry magazines and news sites before getting into NameCoinNews. He has strong skills in technical analysis of cryptocurrencies.