Here’s Why Bitcoin is the Fastest Growing Global Currency

Bitcoin has been the protagonist in the plot of the blockchain revolution. It has evolved to be the most impeccable way to transfer money through the internet. Governed by a set of decentralized networks and transparent protocols, it represents an alternative to fiat money controlled by the central bank.

There has been a lot of talk about how Bitcoins will be strongest to prevail in the sea of cryptocurrencies, given strong market consolidation, utility, divisibility, and transparency. To establish this fact, we’ll go through some impactful aspects of Bitcoin that give immense value to it as a cryptocurrency.

Bitcoin at Inception

Bitcoin was created in January 2009. The developers then stipulated a cap of 21 million on tokens in the protocol.

It has been one of the most profitable cryptocurrencies to exist over the web since then. To give some context, if you had put only $1,000 for Bitcoin in the year it had been publicly available first, you must now have been rich with £36.7 million.

The supply of Bitcoin is estimated at 18m, and it will go past 19m 2022, according to research studies. This not only depicts that it has been a trustworthy currency among people but one of the most top-performing.

Most competitive selling points of Bitcoins

The divisibility that Bitcoin offers make it one of the most widespread currencies of the globe. Even if 21 million Bitcoins are minute as compared to the circulation of other fiat currencies, it is divisible till 8 points of decimals. With the smallest unit being 0.00000001, known as a “Satoshi,” it enables individual Satoshis units in quadrillions to be circulated all throughout the world.

Another great selling point of Bitcoin is its blockchain implementation. It has brought into a functioning, an elaborate mechanism of valuations important to the ledger maintenance and new Bitcoin mining. Its flexibility widens its usage outside the perimeters of cryptocurrencies across other industry niches. Bitcoin is also transferable amongst parties via wallets and features.

Another insurmountable advantage that Bitcoin offers is that of immense security and it’s strong network effect.

It definitely is a store of value. A lot of experts try to differentiate bitcoin on the basis of market prediction, anonymous trading of utilities, including decentralized name servers, etc. But the bigger picture is that Bitcoin has had the biggest advantage as a store of value as compared to any other altcoins over an eight-year period.

Its security has been demonstrated and proven to be far more robust than its counterparts. Its usage exceeds every metric of altcoins.

Moreover, Bitcoin is much more accessible, having a reach to more merchants, exchanges, software, online slots as well as supporting hardware. It has greater liquidity that has larger volumes when compared to any other altcoin.

It also has the greatest ecosystem of developers with better software implementations. Bitcoin also claims to have the largest community of entrepreneurs who are currently working around it with intellect, creativity and dedication.

Not just does Bitcoin have the largest user base, development teams & mining operations in the world, but it also harbors the largest startup ecosystem of projects on open source.

Valuation of Bitcoin

To evaluate the contemporary Bitcoin cloud,we can simply highlight its market penetration today.

The global store value comparable to Bitcoin that includes savings accounts, flexible time deposits, gold bullion, market funds is calculated to be $47.1 trillion.

Also, the estimate of the global medium value of exchange along with the value stores calculated at 72.1 trillion U.S. dollars. Even if Bitcoin achieves only 15% of the valuation through some upcoming years, the market capitalization of it will be $10.8 trillion. And with 21m Bitcoin currently active, the price is estimated at $514,000 per Bitcoin.

Bitcoin can also facilitate transfers in less than one hour. This velocity is expected to grow manifold in the future Bitcoin ecosystems.

As the price of Bitcoin increasing day by day, Many analysts predicted booming Bitcoin Price. Also, they are suggested to invest money or trade-in Bitcoin to earn good profit from it. You can trade or invest in Bitcoin through one of the trusted automated Bitcoin trading platforms – the Bitcoin Revolution. Click here to know more about this innovative trading platform.


With Bitcoin constantly evolving, it can be anticipated to thrive in unprecedented ways in the future. All in all, it can indubitably be stated that utilities of Bitcoin will only grow over time.

While other cryptocurrencies having more substantial risks of their currencies fall in, Bitcoin will survive with its set of significant advantages. Its stability and entrepreneurship will take it up to new heights while doing away with all its challenges. For the Bitcoin news today, you can check out our news section.

Richard Lee: Richard Lee is a regular contributor, who curates in-depth news stories and analysis about the cryptocurrency and blockchain space. He primarily covers latest happenings of US cryptocurrency market. He contributes to a number of well-known industry magazines and news sites before getting into NameCoinNews. He has strong skills in technical analysis of cryptocurrencies.