Google Dismisses Bitcoin Blast App From Google Play Store

Google has given a major shock to the crypto community by suddenly removing popular Bitcoin rewards app, Bitcoin Blast from the Google Play Store. The unfavorable news of the rewards app suspension has taken the crypto industry in a blow as the app was rolling on the top slot with a whopping volume of users touching 1.4 million mark.

Cryptocurrencies have been subjected to critical scrutiny from the regulatory bodies and leading entities from around the world. Google has shown an unwelcoming attitude towards the crypto community in the past few weeks span. The firm banned several high-profile crypto propagators and supporters from YouTube in its attempt to attack the crypto arena in a big way. The major crackdown created a chaotic atmosphere in the virtual currency sector, with supporters openly questioning Google about its actions. Seeing the growing revolt, Google reversed many of the bans imposed by it earlier.

Bitcoin Blast earned popularity and a strong customer base by offering an interface that allows the users to enjoy hassle-free gaming without having to bear the stress about money. The game bestows the users with loyalty points, which can be later redeemed for Bitcoin. Till date, Bitcoin Blast has paid out loyalty points worth more than 2.5 billion and shines with a rating of 4.5 from 20,000 customers.

The Bitcoin Blast team has criticized Google’s sudden step against them. The firm has claimed that its app has been removed from Google Play Store without any prior warning. Google accused Bitcoin Blast to follow the “deceptive behavior” policy, which eventually became the chief cause for suspension. Though, the firm failed to give a clear description of its claims. Though the rewards platform appealed twice but failed to get an appropriate response from the Google team.

The suspension further warned that

Additional suspensions of any nature may result in the termination of your developer account, and investigation and possible termination of related Google accounts.

Bitcoin Blast is concerned as the enforcement of the warning would suspend its business on iOS as well. The firm’s technical infrastructure will face a major upheaval as its email and cloud servers operate on Google’s network.

The team of Bitcoin Blast resorted to customer support when they failed to get an appropriate answer from Google. The loyal customers stood in support of the platform and started retweeting the news about the suspension.

Aarav Ghosh: Aarav Ghosh is a sub editor and contributor to NameCoinNews who specializes in covering latest stories and headlines of cryptocurrencies and blockchain. Additionally, he also covers latest news related to FinTech industry. He is a firm believer of next big transformation of world economy in terms of digitalization.