Filehashfact—A Blockchain Signing Tool Launched by EOS Amsterdam

A blockchain signing tool has been launched by EOS Amsterdam, which is part of its constant efforts to contribute to the EOSIO ecosystem. This smart contract called filehashfact will let content creators sign their work that is published on the blockchain.

Filehashfact: The Smart Contract

The workflow here is quite straightforward, from the file, the content author collects a SHA256 checksum and then an addfile action is submitted to the smart contract. The smart contract memorizes the account name of the author, transaction ID, date of submissions, and supplied file description and name.

The good thing is that any 3rd party is allowed to endorse or co-sign the file and add memo text (optional) to confirm the correctness and authenticity of the file. Also, the smart contract remembers the transaction ID, date, and account name of the co-signer.

The data stored can be used for quick reference and gets stored for one year in blockchain RAM. Additionally, the data remains available even after one year in blockchain history and can be retrieved. There is also a command-line utility, which can be used for querying the data on a blockchain.

Use Cases for Smart Contract

This smart contract has several use cases, let us go through the details here:

  • A block producer on EOSIO publishes a blockchain’s snapshot or some archival data. After that, the block producer uses filehashfact to sign that file. It is possible for other block producers to check the file’s validity as well as co-sign, which will build trust for the original data.
  • It will be possible for a software company to sign software releases. For instance, EOS Sweden is going to publish Debian packages for its EOSIO software as well as its associated modifications (like WAX and BOS versions). Users who utilized as well as verified these packages will be able to endorse such packages using their signatures.

The Europeanchain FACT is a software suite that includes this smart contract. It can be integrated into blockchain dApps or utilized as a stand-alone application. Presently, it is deployed on BOS, Telos, WAX, EOS, and Europechain.

Matthew Diaz: Matthew Diaz is a full stack developer working in NameCoinNews on blockchain and cryptocurrency related websites. He has a comprehensive knowledge of exploring different technical tools to analyse market trends of cryptocurrencies. He has over a decade experience of technical analysis and assisting companies to achieve desired solutions. He is avid cyclist and music enthusiasts.