Ethereum (ETH) Price May Enter the Bullish Spell Soon

  • Ethereum gets a heads up by 5% overnight
  • It may follow the current momentum for the upcoming days

The second biggest coin of the market has been able to start the week with the highest gain. On the last day, Ethereum has breached its resistance and got placed at 134.32 USD after a whopping almost 5% elevation. The upcoming days may see the continuation of a bullish run of Ethereum.

Ethereum Price Prediction

ETH price was trading at 127.95 USD at the starting of the day, and from that point, it started giving positive pushes. By 18:07 UTC, Ethereum got scaled to as high as 133.69 USD after a 4.49% increment. The next variation happened between 18:19 and 20:25 UTC. Over these 2 hours, ETH coin did another stint of upsurge by 3.52% and touched the highest point of the day at 137.69 USD. However, the market towards the ending of the day followed a correction course and Ethereum also followed the same. By 02:43 UTC today, the coin got corrected downwards by 2.57% to find itself at 134.27 USD. The contraction may not become a long-stretched one and it may end soon.

Ethereum price currently trades at 134.32 USD. And it stands between the 50 days MA (134.13 USD) and 20 days MA (134.33 USD). The current price of ETH is likely to move ahead of both the averages soon. According to Ethereum Price Forecast, the continuation of this bullish rally may place the coin at the next resistance of 138.38 USD. Investors are advised to trade with caution as the possibility of price fluctuations can’t be averted.

Matthew Diaz: Matthew Diaz is a full stack developer working in NameCoinNews on blockchain and cryptocurrency related websites. He has a comprehensive knowledge of exploring different technical tools to analyse market trends of cryptocurrencies. He has over a decade experience of technical analysis and assisting companies to achieve desired solutions. He is avid cyclist and music enthusiasts.