Ethereum Earned First Spot in Blockchain Gaming Category

The recent report about the blockchain gaming industry has opened some very interesting facts and some incredible insights on how the industry can further grow. As of now, the gaming sector is the ‘largest single dApp category with 19,310 daily active unique wallets recorded.’ In the report by DappRadar, published on Jan 30th, some insights were spilled at how the best blockchain gaming platforms are achieving a good retention rate as high as 75%.

The four smart contract blockchains:

Four main smart contract blockchains were observed for this report, namely- Ethereum, EOS, TRON, and Ontology. Ten blockchain games were considered (five on Ethereum blockchain, four on EOS, and one on Ontology) TRON was not included due to the low user base percentage for any single game, despite the variety of LIVE games it offers.

Ethereum at the #1 spot:

The reports revealed that out of 118% cumulative user growth of all the games, Ethereum rose up to be the number one blockchain with 44% of the total wallets. EOS scored 41% of wallets, TRON scored 9% of the wallets, and Ontology scored 4% of the wallets. The five games from Ethereum which were observed were as follows-

  1. My Crypto Heroes (had around 5,000 monthly active unique wallets by the end of 2019, and had an impressive retention rate that ranged from 75% to 89% starting from the second half of 2029 till the end of the year.)
  2. 0xUniverse
  3. Blockchain Cuties
  4. CryptoDozer
  5. HyperSnakes

Why Ethereum earned the #1 spot?

Almost all the blockchains offered live games, but one of the key factors that made Ethereum a winner of last year’s report was that the games of this blockchain had been live products for long periods of time and also, the way they interacted with the ETH blockchain.

A valuable lesson learned for retention rate growth in 2020:

Factors like lack of maturity in the features of the games, users had to deal with ‘systemic EIDOS airdrop,’ etc., all of this dropped the activity level on other dApp blockchains. A valuable lesson that can be learned from non-blockchain platforms is, therefore, to add attractions such as ‘daily, weekly and monthly rewards, and VIP subscription models,’ to the dApp blockchains gaming platform. Such features can be easily incorporated into the blockchain platforms and can spike the retention rate to higher levels.

Ronald Cribbs: Ronald Cribbs is a reporter who has studied in Journalism and previously worked as a freelance reporter in well-known publications and financial news websites. He is regularly going for the interview with leading industry players of crypto space. He has been following cryptocurrencies since 2012.