Ethereum Classic Labs Invites Proposal in Various Domains

To increase the adoption potential of blockchain technology, Ethereum Classic Labs (ECL) has invited proposals from interested parties who are either in the early stage or pre-launch development stage of their blockchain projects. The developers should be working on the public blockchain and intend to solve issues related to blockchain development and adoption’s technical difficulty. This new announcement is aligned with ECL’s mission to enhance financial inclusion by providing open and easy to use solution to communities.

This announcement of inviting proposal is specifically related to the following areas of expertise: Decentralized Finance (DeFi), Digital Sovereignty, and Financial Inclusion. In the DeFi category, ECL will encourage proposals that aim to develop interoperability between different solutions while providing tools and platforms for easy access to secured services. Digital sovereignty, on the other hand, is more concerned with providing users control over their assets and data. The third and last category, i.e., financial inclusion, aims to provide products and platforms that will enhance financial inclusion by providing access to communities to various financial tools, specifically in the informal and emerging markets.

It is important to note that aid through this funding program will be provided on a rolling basis and while filling the application form, the applier has to make sure to feed correct and up to date information regarding the project. Some of the important dimensions on which the applicant should provide information include a project summary, a brief technical description of the project, a risk analysis report, or a whitepaper. You can also provide the link to your code or GitHub to boost the information content of the application further.

It is a wonderful opportunity for developers working in the domain of DeFi, financial inclusion, or blockchain technology to get the funding and complete the commercialization of their projects. Any initiative will encourage existing and future crops of developers and make sure that communities across the globe get benefitted from the larger theme of financial inclusion that this funding program aims to achieve.

Richard Lee: Richard Lee is a regular contributor, who curates in-depth news stories and analysis about the cryptocurrency and blockchain space. He primarily covers latest happenings of US cryptocurrency market. He contributes to a number of well-known industry magazines and news sites before getting into NameCoinNews. He has strong skills in technical analysis of cryptocurrencies.