ENF to Deliver an Eco-Friendly Blockchain Network

The EOS Network Foundation (ENF), Upland, and Aerial are working together to launch an environmentally friendly blockchain network soon. As a result, the EOS Network will become the first climate-positive blockchain, surpassing even the most ambitious carbon-neutral blockchain initiatives.

The EOS Network’s framework consumes less power and provides high-end upgradeability options and bandwidth that bring together the efficiency of immutable and decentralized mechanisms, fulfilling environmental answerability. EOS produces a yearly carbon footprint amounting to 242 tonnes of CO2.

According to the founder and CEO of the EOS Network Foundation, Yves La Rose, this is the 5th year for EOS to have the distinction of being the initial carbon-neutral blockchain. Now, it will become eco-friendly. In the company’s view, this speaks volumes about its efforts towards environmental sustainability and the empowerment of blockchain technology.

The EOS Network Foundation has joined forces with Aerial, a leading sustainability platform, because of the importance of carbon neutrality and mitigating the environmental impact of blockchain technology. Upland, a metaverse superapplication whose mapping is in sync with the real world, was also associated.

Upland has been engaged in EOS’ sustainability activities as a carbon-balancing sponsor since 2021. The company’s sustainability program goes beyond the blockchain framework via the balancing of its carbon footprint in terms of cloud services that boost the Upland metaverse.

As per the Chief of Staff at Upland, Danny Brown-Wolf, they have immense expectations from the association with EOS with regards to healthy climatic change. They will do their utmost to help EOS transform into an eco-friendly blockchain network. 

With the association’s help with Aerial, the EOS Network Foundation will focus on lessening carbon emissions and promoting the same amongst others involved in the blockchain space.

In the words of the CEO of Aerial, Andreas Homer, joining hands with the EOS Network Foundation and Upland will propel them towards furthering sustainability issues related to the blockchain industry.

The three companies intend to establish a standard for sustainability in the blockchain industry. In addition, they will actively promote the concept among blockchain industry leaders and steer them toward a sustainable digital economy.

The EOS Network Foundation is attempting to alter Web3’s very appearance through its various initiatives. In 2021, the company was founded, with the ENF serving as the foundation for the EOS Network, a leading open-source platform. It features a balanced structure and blockchain positioning-specific tools.

In contrast, Upland is an open Web3 platform designed for the metaverse. The mapping corresponds to the real world. The company’s goal is to establish a leading maker community through a robust business economy that gives participants, creators, and developers the option of manufacturing products, monetizing assets, and offering a variety of services.

Aerial, on the other hand, is a sustainability platform that forges connections with authenticated environment-related activities to eliminate carbon emissions. The company’s mission is to construct a more sustainable world while improving the Blockchain space.

Aarav Ghosh: Aarav Ghosh is a sub editor and contributor to NameCoinNews who specializes in covering latest stories and headlines of cryptocurrencies and blockchain. Additionally, he also covers latest news related to FinTech industry. He is a firm believer of next big transformation of world economy in terms of digitalization.