Elrond and The Palm Tree Network announces a Collaboration

In an important development that could pave the way for the wider availability of safer internet technology, the Elrond and The Palm tree network has joined hands. Announcing this collaboration, the co-founder of Elrond Network tweeted that he is thrilled to announce the partnership with Palm Tree Network.

Finer Details

Just so you know, Elrond is one of the most reputable names in the field of blockchain technology that provides the internet with the added layer of security. Elrond started with just a handful of validators, but then the community started to grow, and thanks to the constant support, energy, and participation of the growing members, Elrond today becomes a trusted name that attracts a lot of adulation and admiration in the blockchain universe.

The Palm Tree Network, on the other hand, has been consistently remained present in the community of validators. The network has provided invaluable feedback and suggestions in order to further the progress of blockchain technology and protocols for providing safe networking experience on the internet. The tutorials made by the network are received by the blockchain community with aplomb, and the fact that these tutorials are spot-on in terms of information and content makes the network ranks high on the popularity.


The association is going to be very helpful for Elrond as the network will receive support from The Palm Tree that will be beyond just the Elrond Mainnet. This is definitely going to help the Elrond to spread its wings further and attract more customers to its fold. It will be interesting to witness how the blockchain community and especially the validators are going to react to this development. More importantly, the impact on the growth of the Elrond due to this association will be an interesting case for the Crypto analysts and experts. A positive growth scenario will definitely attract more of these kinds of associations and bring more positivity and energy to the segment of the safe browsing experience.

Ronald Cribbs: Ronald Cribbs is a reporter who has studied in Journalism and previously worked as a freelance reporter in well-known publications and financial news websites. He is regularly going for the interview with leading industry players of crypto space. He has been following cryptocurrencies since 2012.