Eclipse unveils its Ethereum SVM L2 mainnet architecture

Eclipse has published details about the architectural structure of Ethereum SVM L2, Eclipse Mainnet. Per those details, the general purpose of L2 brings together the best of the modular stack. Ethereum Mainnet has been defined as the faster L2 solution of Ethereum that is powered by SVM.

The four elements that it brings together are:

  • Settlement
  • Execution
  • Data availability
  • Proving

Eclipse will use ETH as the gas token while settling Eclipse into Ethereum. This means that Ethereum will host the validating bridge. Execution will be handled by SVM, which is an acronym for Solana Virtual Machine. Eclipse will run the high-performing SVM as the execution environment. Data will be posted by Eclipse to Celestia. This will ensure scalability in data availability. Finally, Eclipse will deploy RISC Zero for zk proofs of fraud.

Overall, three components are involved in the process, namely Eclipse SVM Mainnet, Celestia, and Ethereum.

The process begins with Eclipse SVM Mainnet L2 after it commences execution. The block is posted to Celestia, with the commitment being simultaneously posted to Ethereum. Celestia locks data availability, which is then rooted in Ethereum, which serves as a validating bridge and settlement section.

Every section digs deeper. For instance, Execution goes on to cover Optimized Parallel Execution, Local Fee Markets, and State Growth Management, to mention a few.

All the components come with benefits to the ecosystem. SVM is a highly performant parallelized VM. Similarly, Celestia has the advantage of DA scaling with DAS light node support.

Data availability is one specific section exploring Celestia’s bandwidth and verifiability. Eclipse has said that it will leverage the capabilities of Celestia when it comes to data availability. Their partnership goes back to the time when Celestia was its ecosystem partner. Celestia has been chosen to extend the association as Ethereum currently does not support throughput and fees with its bandwidth.

Celestia is expected to launch 2 MB blocks by the end of 2023. Blobspace will respond to this with an additional 8 MB of support shortly after the launch.  DAS light nodes are imperative because they enable verification aspects for users and securely contribute to scalability.

Proving resembles Anatoly’s SVM Fraud Proofs SIMD. Eclipse experimented with having Sparse Merkle Tree; however, it was constantly affecting the performance of every transaction that was being done. The final decision was made to fulfill the criteria of input commitment, transaction settlement, and substantial proof that executing a transaction again results in a different output.

Faults that Eclipse Mainnet attempts to avoid are Incorrect Output and Incorrect Input.

Ethereum has been mainly chosen for its support of innovation. Moving forward, it plans to take on the aspects of delegation, execution, and innovation. Layer2 solutions can leverage Ethereum’s network’s abilities, including effects and settlement. SVM is expected to remain a standard for a while.

Richard Lee: Richard Lee is a regular contributor, who curates in-depth news stories and analysis about the cryptocurrency and blockchain space. He primarily covers latest happenings of US cryptocurrency market. He contributes to a number of well-known industry magazines and news sites before getting into NameCoinNews. He has strong skills in technical analysis of cryptocurrencies.