The ongoing year has been quite dramatic for the Dogecoin. The currency is recognized by many investors across the world due to its potential. As per the current trend and its ability to recover, the coin is speculated to have a great future in the market. The next term might be another year where Dogecoin would find more popularity.
Dogecoin Price Analysis
On January 01, 2019, Dogecoin’s price was at $0.00233. Towards the closing of the month, the price fell to $0.00192 by 17.53%. The February remained moderate as the price traded around $0.00194. There was a substantial growth recorded in March. DOGE price touched $0.00265 by 36.79% on March 31, 2019. In April, the price escalated to $0.00368 by 38.59%. After this hike, the currency dropped to $0.00249 by 34.25% by the month’s end. In May, Dogecoin’s price again picked up and touched $0.00342 by a 36.92% hike. In June, the coin registered a fall of 7.28%. The price counters switched from $0.00342 to $0.00317. The second quarter brought a 19.47% progression in the price of Dogecoin.
In July, DOGE price traded to the yearly high of $0.00387 by 21.29%. However, the price dropped to $0.00273 by 28.97%. The month closed at $0.00291. In August, the fall was 16.21%. In September, Dogecoin’s price remained locked around $0.00240. In the next month, the currency escalated to $0.00265 by 10.28%. November and December brought a heavy fall in the price. Dogecoin slipped from $0.00265 to $0.00229 by 13.48% in November. In December, the price touched $0.00201 by 12.02% regression.
Dogecoin is often seen walking on the footsteps of Bitcoin. The future market is likely to take Bitcoin to a whole new level, and the same might benefit the coin too. Altogether, the uptrend in Dogecoin is destined and investing in the coin wouldn’t go futile. Dogecoin is recommended for long-term traders as per Dogecoin price prediction.