Dash (DASH) Exhibits Bearish Momentum on Yearly Graph

Dash cryptocurrency has tried to battle the heavy downtrend but couldn’t win. The currency that was flying high in the first and second quarters was seen trading downwards in the third and fourth quarters. The year is about to end, and the trend is reflecting bearish hold over Dash price.

The possibilities for improvement are still intact. The coming term might bring the desired upsurge in the coin. The speculations about the coin are also positive. The anticipations believe that investors interested in Dash wouldn’t end up in vain.

Dash Price Analysis

Dash coin started the year at $83.25. The price touched the highest at $85.19 in January. Then, in February, the price was seen as low as $65.03 and as high as $90.54. In March, DASH price touched a low at $76.9 and closed the month at a high of $112.7. The first quarter reflected 37.68% progression. In April, Dash touched $135.78 by 20.47% hike. The price slipped to $107 during the closing of the month.

In May, the currency again moved to $173 by 61.03%. The coin couldn’t lock the level and dropped to $142.78 by 17.87%. The price touched yearly high at $177 by 24.40%. The quarter closed at $153.98 with a profit of 36.62%. In July, Dash’s price dropped to $106 by 30.61%. In August, the coin touched $79.78 by 25.17% fall. In September, the currency slipped to $71 by 11.15% fall. The third quarter registered 53.87% regression in the price of DASH. The last quarter began with a moderate movement of around $67. From mid-November till now, there is a 37% fall in the price. The counters moved from $67 to $42.

Dash started the year at $83, and now it is trading at $41. There is almost a 50% loss in the price. The traders are eagerly eyeing for the upsurge to embark. The same might take place in the first quarter of the coming term. As per Dash Forecast for this year, Dash coin is suggested for the long-term investors as the same might bring the desired return to the traders.

Ronald Cribbs: Ronald Cribbs is a reporter who has studied in Journalism and previously worked as a freelance reporter in well-known publications and financial news websites. He is regularly going for the interview with leading industry players of crypto space. He has been following cryptocurrencies since 2012.