Crypto Gaming Giant Electronic Arts Takes Twitter By Storm

The C in crypto had almost made Twitterati go berserk when Electronic Arts or EA, Europe and America’s second-largest gaming studio in terms of market capture and revenue, took to Twitter, asking people to “invest in Crypto.” The capital C was overlooked as the tweet was taken to be financial advice from the gaming giant. Crypto was naturally considered to be a cryptocurrency, and the tweet successfully caught the attention of almost 20000 twitter users. Crypto, thus seemed to be a natural conclusion as gaming businesses all over the world were collaborating with cryptocurrency projects and forging alliances with crypto companies.

Here, the giveaway in the form of the capital c in “Crypto” failed to draw the attention of most although it was supposed to be the main highlight of the tweet for the EA wanted to introduce a new character in the games named as Crypto. However, the public thinking crypto to be the currency here, escalated the interest in EA as it seemed to be indicative of a potential alliance between the gaming major and the crypto industry. EA quickly took to the social media platform to clarify that Crypto was a new character who will be seen in the third season of the battle royale game “Apex Legends” titled as “Meltdown.”

The description of Crypto points out to EA’s obvious knowledge that cryptocurrency is one of the most talked-about topics among the target audience, with whom the game is equally popular. EA, famous for action games like Madden and FIFA also retweeted for promotion of its new character and the material describes it as “A strange hidden file. A deadly mistake. And a new Legend who is entering the fight, but looking to stay out of the spotlight. Cool, calm, and collected, Crypto has plenty of secrets to keep and more to uncover.” The original tweet “Invest in Crypto” however had  4000 tweets and 10000 favorites and several users also felt that the EA account might have been hacked, with EA ending up trolling thousands of users of the platform with its “little game.”

Some of the big names in the industry were obviously mindful of the trolling and even responded to it in their own way, for instance, the account of EA Access tweeted “Brother, why do you do this? You will disappoint father.” Although it seemed that they were the crypto fans who were actually disappointed and not the father. The crypto exchange Binance responded to the post saying, “It’s okay, we still love you,” following which OkCoin, another exchange, asked EA to “get into” cryptocurrency.

Collaboration between the two sectors i.e. gaming and cryptocurrency has become a lucrative one especially since the cryptocurrency markets have shown a sharp rise this year. The Fortnite’s world cup in July had also excited the crypto domain as huge investment was being predicted in the gaming sector in the near future. For instance, Game-in tokens have recently emerged as a trend because these can be easily converted and traded, although they are yet to gain more popularity and open a new avenue for this potential alliance.

Matthew Diaz: Matthew Diaz is a full stack developer working in NameCoinNews on blockchain and cryptocurrency related websites. He has a comprehensive knowledge of exploring different technical tools to analyse market trends of cryptocurrencies. He has over a decade experience of technical analysis and assisting companies to achieve desired solutions. He is avid cyclist and music enthusiasts.