Crust Network introduces EthDA, native to Polygon CDK

Crust Network introduced EthDA, calling it a significant leap forward in having a seamless data availability service. EthDA is native to Polygon CDK and was introduced to scale the Ether ecosystem. The Devnet version is live as the team prepares to launch its integration with the Polygon CDK framework soon.

The development benefits are said to extend to developers and users; however, the seamless experience could be more in store for Ethereum builders.

EthDA Devnet can be accessed with support for Polygon zkEVM, with documents available on the official platform.

The community has responded positively to the development, with many congratulating the team for it. Polygon has confirmed the development by commenting on the official post on X, calling it a huge unlock for the CDK ecosystem. The ultimate objective remains to achieve the aggregated growth of L2.

EthDA is expected to play a crucial role in the Dencun upgrade for Ethereum. EIP-4844 is planning to introduce blob carrying transactions to enhance scalability.

The announcement has caused a surge in the value of MATIC and ETH; both tokens are up by 0.71% and 4.20% in the last 24 hours. They are exchanging hands at $1.12 and $3,677.90, in the same order, at the time of articulating this piece. CRU, however, has experienced a massive slip of 6.345 in the last 24 hours, listed at $1.79.

Crust Network continues to back its native token with an ongoing promo event. Following the activity of liking and retweeting the announcement, participants are required to share their Blobtx in the comments. A total of 30 winners will be selected by Crust Network at random, taking home a fair share of the prize.

Crust Network previously confirmed securing 0.91% of the PINK supply. The most recent update clarifies that Crust Network is still working to announce its distribution plans. Another development highlights the rise of Crust Network in the market. It joined hands with HydraDX via HydraDX Omnipool to boost liquidity within the Polkadot ecosystem. That enabled users to trade CRU in the Omnipool.

The native token of Crust Network was not the only one to join the list. Another token was UNQ by Unique Network. Their launches pushed the TVL above $30,000,000 for the first time for HydraDX.

Circling back to EthDA, the goal remains to boost data availability for an aggregated growth of L2s. It is currently in the Devnet version, with plans in the pipeline for integration with the CDK framework of Polygon. The development comes with several unmatched benefits for users and builders, specifically for Ethereum builders.

Users can access the official website of EthDA to explore documents related to it and try BlobTx dApp. Crust Network has, in the announcement, maintained that DA networks are pivotal advancements to the scaling strategy of Ethereum.

Vivaan Shah: Vivaan Shah is a professional Forex and Cryptocurrency Market Analyst with a background in Finance. He has worked in several foremost publications before getting into NameCoinNews. He has been involved in the cryptocurrency for years. He loves to spend his free time in recording podcasts for crypto beginners. He also enjoys to explore cryptocurrency products.