ContractLands Joins Zhejiang University; Aims To Encourage Digital Money

The Finance and Economics Institute of Zhejiang University, China, will be launching a blockchain-based digital asset cloning laboratory in collaboration with ContractLand Omi Foundation China, and ContractLand Omniledger Labs from the USA.

ContractLand is a team of technicians that consists of formulators from Omniledger Labs, based in Ethworks (Poland) and 4ire Labs (Ukraine). It provides a quickly adjustable and diverse multi-chain solution that can make on-chain transactions, cross-chain solutions, and provide blockchain-based hardware and software solutions.

Currently, the simulation lab is based on an on-chain trading platform. Along with this, it is also composed of a decentralized cross-chain with an on-financial non-innovative smart contract platform. The lab aims to encourage blockchain technology and provides a complete technical environment for the students to be aware of the practicality of blockchain technology.

 Along with this, students will also be able to gain practical knowledge about cross-chain operations in the middle of multiple chains. Students will be taught how to master the writing and operations of smart contracts related to digital financing, along with focusing on trading strategies of digital assets.

ContractLand and Zhejiang University aim to assist the youth who are extremely talented and provide them with advanced training in the field of Blockchain. The collaboration’s main motive is to encourage digital money. 

Richard Lee: Richard Lee is a regular contributor, who curates in-depth news stories and analysis about the cryptocurrency and blockchain space. He primarily covers latest happenings of US cryptocurrency market. He contributes to a number of well-known industry magazines and news sites before getting into NameCoinNews. He has strong skills in technical analysis of cryptocurrencies.