Celer Network’ backs Celer IM & cBridge asset bridging for FVM

Celer Network happens to have successfully been able to incorporate the backing of cBridge asset bridging, as well as the Celer Inter-chain Messaging (Celer IM), which happens to be a generic message passing technology, on the FVM. This nascent stage of incorporation will provide the opportunity to be able to carry out cross-chain linking for assets like USDC, WETH, and WBTC.

Users will find themselves being in the position of carrying out the transfer of these assets smoothly through all Celer-backed chains. Further, the Celer Network’s swift finality, as well as economically priced and safe services, will be made available to them.  

Filecoin Virtual Machine (FVM) happens to be a runtime environment for the sake of smart contracts, which also happen to be known as actors, on the Filecoin network. It is made possible for these very smart contracts to be written in solidity. Following that, it could be just about any language that happens to be compiled to WASM that will receive backing. 

Smart contracts provide the opportunity for users to be able to build and put down rules for the sake of storing as well as connecting with the data on the network. The role of the FVM is to implement these smart contracts and make certain that it is carried out in a proper and safe fashion. 

In the nascent stage, their role involves the backing of the Filecoin VM and which includes linking with the help of the xAsset (lock-and-mint) method between the FVM and the Ethereum. Further to that, they will also happen to be backing them with the help of the Celer IM technology. This is done in order to be able to assist the FVM ecosystem associates in being in the position of creating cross-chain activities. 

Smart contracts, which happen to be on just about any chain having a backing, will be able to call protocols on FVM for the sake of use cases such as cross-chain storage payment, as well as deal auctions. Their future aim and intention are to be able to make additions on linking support for further EVM tokens on the Filecoin VM. 

Filecoin happens to be storage designed for Web3. It utilizes IPFS in the form of building blocks in order to be able to share all of the conveniences related to content addressing. The authenticatable cryptographic proofs make certain that Filecoin storage suppliers happen to be carrying out the storing of data and maintaining safety issues. The interoperability with the Web3 computes networks opens the doors for an entire array of unique applications, as well as use cases. 

Celer happens to be a blockchain interoperability protocol. It provides the option of a single click user experience connecting tokens, DeFi, GameFi, NFTs, as well as governance and privacy solutions through various chains. 

Developers are able to create inter-chain conventional dApps with the usage of the Celer Inter-chain Message SDK in order to get connected with effective liquidity usage, proper application logic, as well as shared states. The users of Celer-enabled dApps find themselves in the position of benefitting from a different multi-blockchain system, with the help of just a sole transaction UX, and all of it from a sole chain.  

Vivaan Shah: Vivaan Shah is a professional Forex and Cryptocurrency Market Analyst with a background in Finance. He has worked in several foremost publications before getting into NameCoinNews. He has been involved in the cryptocurrency for years. He loves to spend his free time in recording podcasts for crypto beginners. He also enjoys to explore cryptocurrency products.