Cartesi Joins Forces With Elrond: Innovating Smart Contracts

Beniamin Mincu, founder and CEO of Elrond, a lightning-fast, secure, and widely scalable blockchain platform, took to his Twitter handle to announce a strategic collaboration with Cartesi,  a smart contract solutions provider. The strategic collaboration will lead to mass-adoption utilizing Linux systems for smart contracts.  

Colin Steil, co-founder, and COO at Cartesi, expressed his views on the blog and mentioned that its partner holds a reputation in the market for its scalable, succinct, and multi-level security, popular among the institutional users, individual users, and over the internet economy. He also stated that  Cartesi would help introduce new-age technology related to smart contracts available through Elrond Network. This will enable its partner to bring forth the mainstream software stacks using the existing operating system of Linux. 

The post elaborated further about the strategic partnership via its blog and stated this development would deliver a highly scalable platform through Linux’s existing OS. Cartesi intends to introduce innovative blockchain technology that will open new opportunities to its users— it also looks forward to integrating Dapps, helping both developers and end-users. 

Elrond Network too took to its website to shed light on the strategic alliance. It aims to capitalize on the opportunity of high demand for decentralized blockchain technology, set to take the digital world by storm. It looks forward to innovation—developers could utilize the Dapps ecosystem on the dynamic blockchain technology without disrupting the OS space and continue using Linux tools. 

Biniamin Mincu stated that Elrond Network’s WASM VM system enables lighting-fast transactions in the smart contract arena—and Cartesi will take it to the next level through decentralization and integration of Linux tools. Erick de Moura, CEO of Cartesi, is excited over the collaboration. He believes that Cartesi’s potential in the smart contract space and Elrond’s security, scalability, would transform the decentralized blockchain technology space. It would further pave the way for institutional adoption of this dynamic technology.

Vivaan Shah: Vivaan Shah is a professional Forex and Cryptocurrency Market Analyst with a background in Finance. He has worked in several foremost publications before getting into NameCoinNews. He has been involved in the cryptocurrency for years. He loves to spend his free time in recording podcasts for crypto beginners. He also enjoys to explore cryptocurrency products.