Carnes Validadas Gets Grant to Support New Supply Chain

Carnas Validadas launched the Algorand Foundation Grant Program to receive project submissions from innovators and developers worldwide and accelerate growth and development in the Algorand ecosystem. Through a recent announcement, Algorand declared the recipient of the grant to be Carnes Validadas. 

The co-founder and COO of Carnes Validadas, Nico Balestrini, is delighted with the selection of Carnes Validadas by the Algorand Foundation. The fintech platform of Carnes Validadas aids in the financial inclusion of producers who invest considerable sums in cows but are unable to receive credits. The grant and the use of the Blockchain of Algorand Foundation shall leverage every service of Carnes Validadas and help to launch the new asset blockchain trace model of the supply chain. 

The international SaaS platform of Carnes ValidadasValidadas is driven by advanced Blockchain technology. It works to allow the supply chains to extend the traceability of Blockchain products. The platform enables the patrimonial activation of the animals, thereby unlocking novel financial services and introducing a new era of insurance in the supply chains. Carnes Validadas launched Origino in September 2020 to allow the actors in the supply chain of animal meat for the comprehensive traceability of the meat products in the ready-to-use platform. Origino enables the minting of 1 NFT for every cow that is traced in the meat supply chain. To date, the meat brands associated with Origino have minted more than 30,000 active NFTs by leveraging Blockchain traceability, decommoditization and adding value to the products, and QR code labeling of the meat products for differentiation in the supply chain. Through the whole process, Origino provides every platform user with information regarding the origin, provenance, history, pictures, and detailed data about every product. Moreover, the users can also employ the traceability mechanism of NFTs to obtain credits, insurance, and Proof of Existence of the assets.

Ronald Cribbs: Ronald Cribbs is a reporter who has studied in Journalism and previously worked as a freelance reporter in well-known publications and financial news websites. He is regularly going for the interview with leading industry players of crypto space. He has been following cryptocurrencies since 2012.